Wrong output when using itertools module

Hello, I’m trying to use itertools product to generate a list where on the first place is any value from first sublist, on the second - from second, etc.
So, a couple of examples if I had this list: [[‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’], [‘d’, ‘e’], [‘1’, ‘2’]]

[‘a’, ‘d’, ‘1’]
[‘b’, ‘d’, ‘1’]
[‘c’, ‘d’, ‘1’]
[‘a’, ‘e’, ‘1’]
[‘a’, ‘e’, ‘2’]
[‘b’, ‘e’, ‘1’]
[‘b’, ‘e’, ‘2’]

Here is my current code:

As you can see, the combinations output comes as an “IronPython.Modules…”. Any suggestions?

Do you maybe need the list.combine node?


or do you want to create all possible combinations from your input sublists?

Then i would recommend List.Combinations / List.Count < on your sublists

Hi Daan, I was using the list.combine node, however I need to create memory dumps for the code to work, otherwise the code can go way above 32GB of RAM usage and crash my Dynamo. Thats why I was using python: to be able to delete variables after using them.

Okay but what output do you need and what is your input? I am trying to figure out what you are trying to do :slight_smile:

Please post the dyn as troubleshooting based on this small code snippet is more difficult than need be.

My initial input is a list of surfaces.
I then divide that list in several sublists of “n” length. In the previous print case, the length is 3.
Afterwards, I want to create all possible combinations of items in the new list, without combining items from the same sublist.
As stated in the first example:

If I had this list: [[‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’], [‘d’, ‘e’], [‘1’, ‘2’]]
I wanted to get the following combinations:

[‘a’, ‘d’, ‘1’]
[‘a’, ‘e’, ‘1’]
[‘a’, ‘d’, ‘2’]
[‘a’, ‘e’, ‘2’]
[‘b’, ‘d’, ‘1’]
[‘b’, ‘e’, ‘1’]
[‘b’, ‘d’, ‘2’]
[‘b’, ‘e’, ‘2’]
[‘c’, ‘d’, ‘1’]
[‘c’, ‘e’, ‘1’]
[‘c’, ‘d’, ‘2’]
[‘c’, ‘e’, ‘2’]


Here it is:
testing.dyn (80.9 KB)

Do you want them all, or does it make sense to test one by one? Also do combinations like [D, A, 1] want to be excluded?

You are correct. As you concluded, I don’t need different orders of an established combinations, meaning that I want [A, D, 1], but not [A,1,D], [D,1,A], [D,A,1], [1,D,A] and [1,A,D].

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I forgot that the previous uploaded dyn file required data from an excel file. It probably didn’t run on your computers.
Here is a new dyn file without the excel nodes:
testing2.dyn (82.1 KB)


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Itertools returns a custom object as a class to reduce the memory consumption when used elsewhere in Python. Wrap it in a List(*) where * is the entire itertools function. Note this will return all iterations not just one, so you may need a get item at index method if you only want one option.

You may have a few longevity/stability issues to address as well - my attempt to run your graph produced a few errors in the python.

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