Hello everyone, I am a newbie to Dynamo and Python. I am trying to create a python script node as captioned.
After days long researching and with help by POE, I finally killed all the errors messages, but can obtain nothing for the output as shown here:
And here are the python script I used:
# Import the required modules and references
import clr
# Add the Revit API assemblies to the system path
# Import Revit API classes
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import Document, BuiltInCategory
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager
# Import additional RevitNodes module for category retrieval
import Revit
# Retrieve the active Revit document
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
# The input to this code snippet will be stored as a list in the IN variable.
elements = IN[0] # Single element or list of elements
# Create empty lists to store the element types and type names
type_names = [ ]
# Function to get the category of an element
def GetCategory(item):
if not item:
return None, None
objtype = item.GetType().ToString()
if objtype == "Autodesk.Revit.DB.ParameterFilterElement":
return [GetCategoryObjects(x) for x in item.GetCategories()]
elif objtype == "Autodesk.Revit.DB.ViewSchedule":
return GetCategoryObjects(item.Definition.CategoryId)
elif objtype == "Autodesk.Revit.DB.Family":
return GetCategoryObjects(item.FamilyCategoryId)
elif objtype == "Autodesk.Revit.DB.GraphicsStyle":
return GetCategoryObjects(item.GraphicsStyleCategory.Id)
elif objtype == "Revit.Application.Document":
if item.IsFamilyDocument:
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
return GetCategoryObjects(DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument.OwnerFamily.FamilyCategoryId)
return None, None
elif objtype == "Autodesk.Revit.DB.Category":
if item.Parent:
return GetCategoryObjects(item.Parent.Id)
return None, None
elif hasattr(item, "Category"):
if item.Category:
return GetCategoryObjects(item.Category.Id)
return None, None
return None, None
# Function to get the category objects
def GetCategoryObjects(catID):
if not catID:
return None, None
returnBic = System.Enum.ToObject(BuiltInCategory, catID.IntegerValue)
returnCat = Revit.Elements.Category.ById(catID.IntegerValue)
returnCat = None
return returnCat, returnBic
#Iterate through the elements
for element in elements:
if isinstance(element, list): # Handling list inputs
element = element[0]
# Get the category and built-in category of the element
category, built_in_category = GetCategory(element)
if built_in_category == BuiltInCategory.OST_Walls: # Example for walls
# Retrieve the wall type using the "Wall.WallType" property
wall_type = doc.GetElement(element.GetTypeId()).WallType
if wall_type is not None:
type_names.append("Unknown Type")
elif category is not None:
# Retrieve the element type using the category object
element_type = doc.GetElement(element.GetTypeId())
if element_type is not None:
type_names.append("Unknown Type")
type_names.append("Unknown Type")
# Assign the output to the OUT variable
OUT = type_names
I know this issue may not be necessarily resolved by python. Welcome for any kind of solutions. Please help.
Thanks in advance.
Backgrounds, if you were interested:
I am processing a task requiring a processing of type name of selected elements. However, it is found that types of some categories are not accessible by Element.ElementType, such as walls.
I have tried to make use of package nodes like Walls.WallType to get the type of walls. But, by this approach there will be very bulky process with bunch of if nodes to filter out categories such as walls, floors and structural categories.
Finally, my team leader always suggests us not to use nodes in package.
That’s why I tried to create a python script node.
Please help. Appreciate your help!