Who can tell me about the storage location of all the node packages storage location on AMAZON AWS?

Can someone point me to the person(s) that may be able to tell me about the Web Storage location the the package manager website is hosted and used as storage? I noticed when downloading Rhythm it resolves as: dynamopm-p-ue1.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com. I am trying to find out IF the download location ever changes or if this is a static location for ALL Dynamo package nodes as shown on the Package Manager Website?
This is important to us as we have a VERY strict anti-virus policy that is disabling all downloads for us from the site because of the Md5 Hash examination. So we are faced with creating a policy exemption globally for that address so our users can download needed packages for script development and usage.

I think it is static-ish… in that today it’s that but when (not if) the service is updated you may have new configurations to deal with.

For a specifics it is likely best to reach out to support by creating a new case using the accounts portal at manage.autodesk.com, as my colleagues there will be able to give you accurate info at the time you make the request.

Definitely one to speak to Autodesk about as jacob has indicated.

But do watch out because if your company is global then amazon may cache a copy for certain territories on a different amazon aws cache servers. Therefore the aws link may be slightly different for them than you.