Unfold Surface Not Working

Hi All

I’m trying to get the DynamoUnfold package to work.
We have curved building surfaces that need to be flattened so they can then be used by an Artist to produce artworks for our building.
I created a simple curved surface to test the package but it doesn’t work on that. Please see images below and dyn file attached. Any help will be much appreciated. @Michael_Kirschner2

Surface Unfold.dyn (27.5 KB)

The warning indicates an error referring to a 1.3 engine issue.

Try upgrading your Dynamo version to 2.0.4 and see if that solves this.

Ahh thank you. I’ll try that. Much appreciated.

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Hi there.

I’ve tried that. Same error still comes up.

It seems you may be getting downstream data now despite the warning - do things look correct?

Nope. Still doesn’t work.
No unfolding was done.

So I did manage to get it to work.
The issue now is that it fails to pack the unfolded surfaces horizontally which is important if I want to transfer the geometries to a Revit view.
Please see images.
Any ideas what’s wrong?

plug the resulting unfoldobject into the packUnfoldedSurfaces unfolding input. Try it without the function application nodes, perhaps theres something strange with their preview.


Thank you!
That worked! Also had to make my bounding box quite large. I guess it’s because my surface is quite large.
Thanks again. Amazing package.


@bayowindapo, @jacob.small, and @Michael_Kirschner2 I’m having an issue with everything stacking on top of each other when recreating your script. Mind sharing how you got everything separated and spread apart, or screen grabs of the final iteration?

You mentioned having to change the ‘bounding box because it was quite large’ and I am anxious to see how you did that. I’m certain that is what I’m missing, but my rookie status makes this completely abstract to me.

Dynamo Unfold v4.dyn (28.4 KB)

Thanks for the original post giving me hope on this, and I appreciate any help you’re willing to share.