Tying to place different blocks on cogo points based on different descriptions

I can get it to work such that 1 symbol goes on every cogo point, but have been unable to get it such that different symbols (blocks) can be placed on different points. I am aiming to place 60+ unique blocks based on different raw descriptions.

Whenever I try to filter out points based on raw descriptions I end up with just a list of descriptions, but not the coordinate geometry to go with it.

Below is what places the same block on every point. I am aiming to place 60+ unique block types based on different raw descriptions.

When you filter make sure you filter the cogopoint object, not it’s description. The description should be used to generate the mask though.

A better method might be to use a dictionary to generate the ‘description: block’ keys and values, then you can use the description to extract the correct block type using a ValueAtKey node.

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Amigo @jdman00 buenas. don’t mix C3D and Autocad Metodologies you will mix everything and your mind will explode to soon!! :exploding_head:

First a litle back Ground, the C3D Way is to create an Style so you will need to create a diferent Style for each Block you want, this way you only need asing Style to your COGO Point. bad news i don’t know a way to asign a block to an style so you will nedd to do manually, may be some one could help you with this.

The autocad Way is much more simple, you only need a list of block names, and a list of insertion point for each instance, what controls the instance is the insertion point, it is the same for Familys in revit i let you a similar post !!

Hope this helps you!!

I am in fact aware that “styles” is the “proper way” to do it in C3D. Unfortunately due to how our current company workflow is set up, that isn’t an option. I know, it sucks, but I do not have that much sway at the company.

I did in fact come to a solution though. It is a 2 step process unfortunately, but it first involves creating a point group based on every raw description (and limiting the string to 3 characters as we do use description keys in the code). And then in a separate program using a filter to put each type of block on its respective point.

It’s clunky, I know. I’m sure there is both the way you described and probably a better way in dynamo as well, but… I’m not great at this, so if it works it works.

Bien sur que tu peut!! yes cours you can put a block over a cogo point; you must filter and group by his description and then you create the block that mach with each description, i think there is a way to create blocks to COGO Points, but i’m not sure perhaps this is the workflow that you are looking for!!