Try to set points relative to existing points

I’m trying to breakdown mzjensen runway sample so that I can add a box of points that will be controlled
like he’s plane block. parametric to the runway end. The issue I’m having is setting new points from the Point.Cartesian method. is there a method much like a survey, where you can set a point than uses the old point for start location. I’ve looked in the primmer material, but i did see anything that I could understand that could do this

RunwayExample-jlc1.dyn (27.1 KB)

Same answer here

This was what I was searching for.
FANTASTIC!. it’s new way of thinking for me, but might make it easier to work out things, I’ll see.

One other question:
I’m going to try the same with the threshold marking and the centerline marking.

The question is; is it better to make more line that can be use with the cs; point by cartesian coordinates or is it more functional to longer lines like in this case where most control would be runway end to runway end.

Sounds like an alignment with sta/off to define everything might be better?


Thank you, I’ll give it a try

I guess using an alignment wouldn’t necessarily be “better”, just another thought that I had. But in the big picture, it’s getting points at locations along a line, which can be done a lot of different ways and there isn’t necessarily a “right” way to do it.

One thing that can help: you need not build the points individual on the new CS. You can instead building at the origin, and perform a transform with a Geometry.Transform node. This makes for easier reuse when you need the same stuff in multiple locations, and can include points or more complex geometry.

I use this technique often when building various generative design workflows. :slight_smile:


Jacob Small,

Good point

I made a featureline of the first (original) line and use that featureline to get the Z-values and just add or substract.
Noticed the last value in the list would give “0” as Z-value. Asking for the Z-value on the endstation of the featureline would do the same for some reason. Added a Math.Abs (which makes it a litlle inacurate), to get a Z-value at almost the end and replaced the last value with it.