I’m having some issues with nested for loops in design script.
I’m fairly certain I’m making some rudimentary mistake.
Can someone please point it out?
Thank you
for(i in 0..List.Count(list1)-1)
for(list1[i] in list1)
outList=List.AddItemToEnd(1, outList);
return = outList;
I think the problem is with how can I get the sublist of list1 in the 2nd loop.
In Python, you can use
for index, item in enumerate(list1) where the item is being looped.
But in Design script, for(list[i] in list1) does not work.
Why are you using imperative code here? Seems like associative would work fine in this case.
Just to see if I can replicate something from python.
It’s resolved, the issue I had was I kept trying to loop the item of the list, like with enumerate in Python.
But I could’ve just do a simple range and call it later with list[i].
This line is not going to work and it seems ambiguous - possible solution
for(j in list1[i])
outList=List.AddItemToEnd(1, outList);