Transfer Phasing of elements to revised linked models

We have a survey model where we have phased certain elements to be demolished. Problem is a newer revision of the survey model has just been issued to us now and we don’t want to have to rephase everything in the new model.

SO I’ve made a dynamo solution that assumes element id’s remain the same. looks up the values for the Phase Demolished parameter in the link model and the sets that phase in the same element is element in the latest model. Please see my script. Doesn’t seem to pickup all phase changes though. Displays either none or null. How should I make this work. DO i have to copy the exact phase from the old model (We had to create that phase so it doesn’t exist in the new model, and I don’t think creating a new phase with the same name works). Some pointers would be welcome. Thanks!

transfer Phasing between model revisions.dyn (17.5 KB)

Correct. Phases are elements and have ElementIds too. The default phases (New and Existing) are builtin elements and therefore have the same Ids across models (assuming that they are the original builtin phases). New phases will not have the same Ids and therefore will not be “reusable” across models.

The issue you’re running into here is that the phase parameters return the actual phase Element and not just a name. Since that phase doesn’t exist in your active document (which is where Dynamo is looking), it can’t return an element. To get around that, we just have to tell Dynamo to look for the element in a different document. There may be a few custom packages with nodes that will do that for you or you’ll have to use Python and the Revit API. Once you have the phase element, you’ll need to match names with your project’s phases.

I believe this exact issue has come up more than once, so you should probably start by searching for similar topics and see what people have shared already. You can always come back with specific questions once you have something started.

Thanks Nick. I’ll have another dive, dug up a lot of things around phase filters but not much on phases themselves. I have a bit more time to day to have a look.

I think I’m there but I’m not.
Haven’t quite got the Elements.SetPhase working correctly. It’s producing multiple
transfer Phasing between model revisions.dyn (30.3 KB)


It looks good from what I can see. Double-check the input structures to make sure SetPhase is expecting the same thing for each input. If it is, you can try setting the list levels all to @L1. to get rid of the extra list in the output. If the data all ends up correct in the model then it doesn’t really matter though.