TextNoteLeaderStyles comparison

Hello, I have another API question. I am using Revit 2015 and Dynamo 0.9.2. How do I call a selected TextNote’s Leader’s TextNoteLeaderStyle to check if it is TextNoteLeaderStyles.LCS_TWO_SEG_LINE ? So far my script selects all TextNotes and applies the function but I want to only apply the function on TextNotes with a leader that has 2 segments.

My python script so far:

import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
import Revit
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager
import math

# -------------------- Functions ------------------------
def vUnwrap(x): #Unwraps elements
	elements = []
	if hasattr(x, '__iter__'):
		for i in x:
		return UnwrapElement(x)
	return elements

def vLeaders(textNote):
	textLoc = textNote.Coord
	leaderArray = textNote.Leaders		#Returns LeaderArray var
	for leader in leaderArray:	#Accesses Leader var
		leaderEnd = leader.End
		oldElbow = leader.Elbow
	leaderStart = XYZ(textLoc.X,oldElbow.Y,textLoc.Z)
	yDist = leaderStart.Y - leaderEnd.Y
	if leaderStart.Y >= leaderEnd.Y and leaderStart.X <= leaderEnd.X:
		elbowX = leaderEnd.X - yDist
	elif leaderStart.Y > leaderEnd.Y and leaderStart.X > leaderEnd.X:
		elbowX = leaderEnd.X + yDist
	elif leaderStart.Y < leaderEnd.Y and leaderStart.X > leaderEnd.X:
		elbowX = leaderEnd.X - yDist
		elbowX = leaderEnd.X + yDist
	elbowY = leaderStart.Y
	leaderElbow = XYZ(elbowX,elbowY,leaderStart.Z)
	newLeader = textNote.AddLeader(TextNoteLeaderTypes.TNLT_STRAIGHT_R)
	newLeader.End = leaderEnd
	newLeader.Elbow = leaderElbow
	return textNote
"""def getViews(textNote, doc):
	Id = textNote.OwnerViewId
	view = doc.GetElement(Id)
	return view"""

# --------------------- Main ---------------------------
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
textNotes = IN[0]

#textType = textNote.TextNoteType
#textSize = textType.GetParameters('Text Size')
tnArray = []
for j in textNotes:
	textNote = vUnwrap(j)
	newText = vLeaders(textNote)

OUT = tnArray

Also if anyone could point me in the right direction on why when I apply this script on multiple TextNotes, only the final textnote in the list shows the updates in the model, but when re-opening or moving the rest of the textnotes, they show the correct update. I am thinking maybe it has to do with transactions?