G’day Dynamo users.
In my current script i want to take varying amounts (indices) from a bigger sublist. As the example beneath shows i want to take every index 18…20 from list 1 level 0. And every index 18…21 from list 2 level 0.
Somehow i can’t get the list.getitematindex to work. What should i do?
Thanks in advance!
Try using a code block like so:
And of course, you can get multiple list structures from single code block and get different values:
I hope it helps.
@Dynamo_Noob, Tried this but it didn’t work.
Maybe i wasn’t that clear in what i exactly wanted so let me try again.
I don’t want the lists to combine. i need the seperation of 3 lists for future use of the script. Therefore i need to take a varying amount of indices.
Hope this image gives more clarity
This is what i’m looking for but i.m.o this should be doable in a single list.getitematindex node, shouldn’t it?
sublists.dyn (4.7 KB)