Systems Nodes Spools (Start and End) points

Has anyone assigned system information to spools of services runs?

I am thinking i would need to assign a component as being the ‘start’, and then multiple components as being the ‘ends’ (these components sharing the same space) and then finding the elements between these components and assigning system information, but im not sure how to do this.
Any help please?

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Thanks, am i missing some vital information from my query?

I am thinking that my query might be more related to spools. A spool has a start and an end, if these are assigned, can revit determine what the connecting elements between them are?

What have you tried so far? Have you searched the forums for any relevant information to your intended workflow? What exactly are you looking to accomplish? Is this in Revit? How are the spools modeled? How are they connected? What kind of “system information” are you looking to push that wouldn’t already be in a connected system?

We need to know your specifics to give you a viable answer.

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Ok, gotcha: so,

Im at the start of this journey and i have done a lot of googling but i cant find any evidence that others have done this before. Most people seem to just use the general system information in Revit, but this is not practical for what i am doing (Digital Twins) where i need to understand the upstream and downstream elements of individual systems.
I might have a cold water system for example, but i need to apply individual system runs within this. A cold water run from a water tank might split and run to room 1 and room 2, so the pipes in room 1 and room 2 would have differing system information even though they are both cold water.

I have searched these forums and havent found anything relevant yet. I am thinking i may have to develop a python script to address the issue.

It is in Revit yes.

The ‘spools’ are modelled in revit by others.they dont apply system information correctly so i need to rectify their models. They are connected via nodes akin to any standard revit model

So in my example above, the pipes leaving the water tank going to room 1 and room 2 would have system information such as “Cold water - Room 1 & 2”, but the system information on the pipes after they split to go to room 1 and 2 would have “Cold water - Room 1” and “Cold water - Room 2”.

So the end user of the model could address the Twin and ask it “show me everything that serves Room 1” or “everything that serves Room 2” or “everything that serves Room 1 & 2”

I can assign this information to a model manually, but this takes a long time, i have to follow the route from the tank and trace it to the end of the lines and manually group them and apply system info to them.

What i want to do instead is tell the model: "Hey, for all of the water terminals in Room 1 assign these as ‘ends’ and for the water tank assign that as ‘start’, then find every component between the end and start and apply “Cold water Room 1” to those.
Then i am to do the same for room 2, assign all of the water terminals as ‘ends’ and the water tank as ‘start’ and apply “Cold water Room 2” to these elements.
And where a pipe already has system information in it (ie room 1 elements from the tank) that i could concatenate the system information for these items

It would look something like this (i cant model in revit :slight_smile: )

In engineering services design there are things called index runs, where a designer needs to determine the route that has the most pressure requirement. i am thinking that i may google some of this and hope that there are transferable nodes.

I also need to determine if there are nodes for ‘connected elements’ or ‘connected nodes’ or perhaps ‘shortest distance through nodes’

I hope this all makes sense, please do query me on any missing information