Surface outline without inserts | Room Geometry Outline

Hi :slight_smile:
I got a surface with some cutouts, but I just need the outline. The surface was extracted from Room → Element.Geometry → Bottom Face and has no intelligence.


Everything I get with Surface.PerimeterCurves is a list of all curves, but I just need the outline, without any inserts.

Is there a way to extract the outline from a rooms bottom face with inserts?

In this thread Surface Outline without inner cutouts / holes / whatsover maciek.glowka had a great solution which worked for floors, but I can´t get it to work with rooms.

The “normal” Room.Boundaries does not work, because the Model ist Linked and got a linked facade inside that model. Even with attaching the facade model etc… Room.Boundaries spits out incorrect results.

Kind regards, Jannis

Hey :slight_smile: I solved it myself by “sorting” the curve groups together. This was a bit annoying :slight_smile:
This is my final code for an input of a list of list with curves.

# Phython-Unterstützung aktivieren und DesignScript-Bibliothek laden
import clr

from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *

data = IN[0]

log = []

outCurves = []

for roomCurves in data:

    currentCurve = roomCurves[0]
    i = roomCurves.index(currentCurve)
    del roomCurves[i]

    outList = []

    run = 0
    list = []
    while len(roomCurves)>0:
        run+= 1
        end = currentCurve.EndPoint
        found = False
        for y in roomCurves:
            start = y.StartPoint
            dist = start.DistanceTo(end)
            # outList.append(dist)
            if dist == 0:
                currentCurve = y
                ind = roomCurves.index(y)
                del roomCurves[ind]
                found = True

        if found == False:
            currentCurve = roomCurves[0]
            del roomCurves[0]
            list = []



OUT = outCurves
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