Suggestion for Dynamo in future

I use some nodes far more than others.
With code blocks there’s double click as a short cut.
For notes it’s Ctrl + W

But for other nodes I use all the type I have to type in a few letters in the search before it comes up.

It’d be useful if we could set keyboard shortcuts for our favourite nodes.


Or the possibility to add them as favorites :star:


Hi, your idea is very good, well done,

As a stopgap you can do ctrl-c ctrl-v
Don’t forget DesignScript :wink:




Values of dictionnary





interesting, but how do i “call” a code block?
imperative code? something else? make it a custom node in my own package?
let alone a keyboard shortcut
(i need more then 26)
a dictionary with all my code blocks?

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@Marcel_Rijsmus ,

i was playing around like this, it never entered worklife :wink:

designScript.dyn (45.5 KB)

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hi, good questions are asked, the answers are not always up to par (sorry)


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I like the idea of ‘keyboard modifier clicks’ to quickly place a node or group thereof. Allow users to ‘predefine’ it and leverage the ‘insert graph from file’ feature.

Something like ‘hold A and double click’ to place a graph centered on the click point. Allow configuration of all common keys (so ~40) to a graph or node, and for giggles leverage shift + key + double click to double the possible options to ~80.

The only ‘drawback’ on this is that such bindings can only be used once (i.e. we can’t use double click as that is already place a code block), so I am somewhat hesitant to use them all at once.

@solamour any thoughts on this?


We would love to do this and a thousand other things… the tricky thing is balancing what gets done when with limited resources and bandwidth :roll_eyes:

@Alien is the desire specifically for Keyboard Shortcuts, or does it fall under the umbrella of “Currently it’s too hard, I want it to be easier and Keyboard Shortcuts are but one possible way of doing that”? If the latter, we think we can more holistically resolve things and are in deep discussion and discovery about what that may be.

For example, a couple of things we are kicking about that would be new paradigms building on top of what exists today are:

  • Reimagining how you get data into Dynamo entirely
  • Reimagining how you work with complex data entirely (So much so that you don’t need to think about or care about lacing or list@level)
  • Removing the need for non-developers to care about, understand and manage Nulls, Empty Lists, Object types and so on (Albeit you can still do that if you want to :wink: )

Keyboard shortcuts speed everything up. They’re invaluable in CAD (not that I use that anymore) and also in Revit imo. So why not Dynamo?

The first two bullet points sound interesting, if a little vague.
The final one, I love my nulls, object lists and empty types :smiley:

In a world where you use natural language to describe what you are trying to do you may no longer need Keyboard Shortcuts :smiley: As in - we may go down this path where you simply describe your automation intent. As an example of what could be possible:

“I want to pull all the families from each room and ensure the room name is put into the comments field for each family”

Not saying they are off the table, because I agree with all your sentiments and couldn’t use Revit without them in my coal-face days, just that the world is changing fast, AI is reimagining what is possible, in particular how we as human beings interface with technology and opening up previously shut doors, and dynamo will be leaning into this changing world.

There are warnings al over the place about AI
It ruins creative thinking. I have enough tools to do what i want now.
There is a threshold to learn about the advanced capabilities of DS., to be creative.
I want to do more with Designscript, but there is very little doc’s out there.
How to become the second @Vikram_Subbaiah in short.


Well, when I started to learn AutoCAD somewhere in 1990, everything was done via the Command Line, and it was a sport to create the shortest abbreviations in the PGP file as possible.

Dynamo has a Command Line, or at least, something that looks like that. So, why can’t that be extended with input possibilities and we add nodes via the Dynamo Command Line? Of course, we need a PGP file to put abbreviations to the nodes we want to insert :slight_smile:

Or, two dropdown menu’s: one with the last 20 used nodes, and one with the Favorites you can set (Patrick’s idea).


Big Brother send me this :slight_smile: a minute ago, (just switched to Youtube from the Forum)

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Those three dot points sound great, but do make me worry that the tool will be dumbed down with too many training wheels. If you can add a training wheels off mode for all that it’d be my preference.

I actually depend on some of those things to trigger logic in some of my workflows (e.g. having nulls, emptys etc.). No doubt the team is considering this, but my 2 cents given I’m struggling at times to bridge Dynamo versions/changes educationally as is.

I definitely get that to modernize a tool and make it more accessible these sorts of things are necessary, but it’s a fine balance between restarting paradigms versus easing the pain points.

In the right hands, AI can enhance creative thinking and quality of output.

The main issue is the mega-corps who want to popularize AI will benefit from neither of those things really in lieu of constrained thinking and quantity are their focus.

Best way to combat this is to educate people about what this technology really is and show them how they can marry it into their process without losing the quality of what they currently achieve.

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By advanced capabilities, I suppose you’re referring to replication guides :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
I posted my non-technical interpretation of their working a couple of years ago, but realize it probably doesn’t make complete sense to most people.

Probably the charm of replication guides lies in its ambiguity. You can’t always be sure if you’ve got them right. It’s a process of trial and error. And learning. And understanding (maybe).
Like the design process.
The language is aptly named Design Script :relieved:

@Marcel_Rijsmus Not endorsing the limited documentation, but not sure its potential will ever be completely documented :dotted_line_face:
And thanks for putting me on a pedestal :heart_eyes:

The assumption that complex data needs to be handled in a certain/ideal manner might deprive us of any pleasant surprises and unintended outcomes of ‘flawed’ code. :wink:


Current thoughts are not to limit what you can do in Dynamo today - so think of this as an abstraction layer on top of the use cases today :slight_smile: Intention is to have more than one entry point into getting the same kind of results, but do so in a way that doesn’t just bloat the library and cause cognitive overwhelm. Nulls, Empty Lists etc. would be part of the existing layer.

Correct - and the note above about “layers” stands here too. We :100: want to keep the “happy accidents” that Dynamo can create such as when you mess around with Replication Guides!