List 1 with 12 points (red in the picture)
List 2 with 5 points (green in the picture)
subtraction —> 7 points —> List 3
It does not work the phrase (python image):
if not (math.fabs (r-ind) == 0):
r index List 1
ind index points to substract
indexes results (points [1], [5], [10], [11])
I solved
with List.Remove Item Index node
subtracting the indices
Python script —> find indices:
Thanks for the answer
Sometimes the node “SetDifference” does not work
@alex_volt It sometimes doesn’t work due to a precision issue.
A workaround is to reconstruct the points after rounding off the X,Y and Z coordinate values to fewer decimal places
Difference between lines:
List No.1 —> 12 lines
List No. 2 —> 8 lines
4 equal number lines
Unlike lists —> appearance 8 lines instead output = list No.1
any help ??