String Replace does not work when loading values from excel


String.Replace wont go through when i load values from excel.

If i just put string node with value on red crosses all goes trough.

Example of value in excel:
first row: Furniture
second row: FUR

Are you wanting to replace every instance of every search condition? That node is only setup to replace one string at a time. You would need to repeat the nodes for every condition but that can quickly become unmanageable. Python would be a much better option.


Yea, i want to keep a list of old/new names in excel and just run it through dynamo.

Are you replacing the entire string or just specific substrings? Is it just a list of old names and what the new name should be? You don’t even need String.Replace for that. A dictionary or a filter would work better.

I have a list for whole strings and list for substrings also. So both.

Can you point to towards which node to use? I can get dictionary but i dont know how to change name of a family with it.

The dictionary would be for remapping new names. If you still need to replace individual substrings it sounds like you’ll want to use Python.