i think βAβ value replaced by βXβ, βBβ to βYβ , βCβ to βZβ. but i donβt know why its not Replace Properly,
i have tried all Lacing also.
i can replace value one bye one with String.Replace node, but if i want to replace whole list with another list then what should i do?
i hope i am explaining properly
Please let me know if i am missing something.
You are a only replacing the values for the first three items because of the List.Unuiqe. why are you using that? If you remove it and then check your lacing I think it should work.
i just wonder whey default node is not working like ORCHID PACKAGE node.
i just want to use default nodes for this task. if you have any idea if we only use default nodes then please let me know if its possible with default nodes. if not then i will mark as a solution.