String.Join node for lists

Hello Everyone!
I’m trying to join some texts together with String.Join node. My problem is that this node is not working with lists.

I have 95 elements for all of the given lists in the Code Blocks. I want to connect the 1st element of the 1st list with the 1st element of the second list and so on.
As a result, I need 95 list, created from my initial 8 list (containing 95 elements each)

Is there a way to do it?

List.transpose and string from array node. You will have to change up the “,” characters for the desired separator though.

Or just use a codeblock… str1 + “-” + str2 + “-” + str3 etc.

Where should i use List.Transpose and StringFromArray nodes?

Yes, this could work. I was hoping for a little bit less “manual” solution.

The Dictionary could be of help for this:
Dynamo Dictionary from Array (just type “String from Array” in the search field)
As well as the Primer:
Or the DATA MANAGEMENT video on the learn page:
Learn - Dynamo BIM
Here is also an interesting article to dig in the topic:
Managing Lists in Dynamo – landarchBIM
Lastly, if still needed, you can see what comes out of the forum search field when typing these nodes names.

Something like this? You can add more depends on how many parameters you need


Thank you for your answer! Sry for being uncomprehending, but i still don’t get it.
I’m pretty sure, i know the basic uses of these nodes, but still, i have no idea about using them here.
Which list should i transpose here?

  • If i traspose the result, nothing changes.
  • If i transpose the initial lists, still nothing changes.

Exactly! :slight_smile: Thank you!
Is there an article or something about node lacing? This is the first time, i saw them used, and I don’t really understand them yet.


@Kulkul Thank you!