Storage Type Not String

The node Element.SetParameterByName is returning “not a string” error. Is this an issue with the list?


@sascari the value should be a family type, not a string, get the family types by name, there is a node for that and hook it to the value input.

use clockwork Element.SetName to set the type of the family.

@_Vijay I think I’ll stay away from clockwork for now…

Did you installed bakery package?

otherwise, its nothing to do with clockwork.

I did not install bakery. But either way, the node didn’t do anything as the screenshot shows. Maybe i’m missing something…

Do you want to change your family type name?

No. I want to switch the type of a family instance, hence the Element.SetParameterByName. Thanks

Sorry for my misunderstanding :roll_eyes:.

no worries. much appreciated

Guys, it was user error. I was using the wrong node to get the value for Family Type