I’m having trouble creating a script to split columns by floors. I have a script that will split columns by level, but I’m having trouble with splitting columns by floors. The floor thicknesses will vary. Thank you for the help.
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This is what I have as far as splitting the columns by level. I can figure out how to split the columns by the floors. I can go in manually and change the top offset to meet the bottom of the floor, but I want to be able to edit my script to change the top offset for each level. Any help would be appreciated.
I really can’t see your graph as it will not zoom in close enough. You should be able to use the floor Elevation at Top and Elevation at Bottom parameter values to determine where to split your column.
I tried to zoom in as much as I could to get all the nodes to be visible. I tried changing the levels to floor and mess with it, but i can’t seem to get it to work right. I’m also new to dynamo, so I’m not familiar with all the nodes and what they can do.
Hi @lor2055109 how about something here ??
Good afternoon Sovitek,
I tried running the script and it says run complete with errors. I think I’m not connecting the nodes correctly. Could you space out your nodes so that the connections are easier to follow? Also, will this work with multiple floors? I really appreciate your help.
Hi @lor2055109 ,yes it should work on multiple floors as well its just all about list level and lacing and right sorting ;)…
Split node and get.location is from Genius Loci
Thank you Sovtek. It works the way that I needed it too. Thank you again for your help.
Good morning Sovtek,
I have one more question and I’m hoping that you can help me out. when splitting the columns by the floors, is there a way to delete the column section that is inside the floor? I was checking my schedules and that’s when I noticed this. Again, any help would be appreciated.
Hi @lor2055109 yeah i just try to sort in my example by volume not so safe…try something here instead in the end…
That works great. Thank you.
Ho sovitek,
trying to run the script, for some reason ite returns an error for location curve, running on R22, Dyn2.12
Also will this work architectural columns instead ?
Hi dont think genius loci work if you select archtectural columns…give it a try
The snapshot above show null elements when using Structural Columns
Is the lasinc set inocrrectly?
yes it is in that exemple for the user…if you have an issue then create a new topic and show all where its wrong