Split Slabs doesn't do anything

Hi all I am currently trying to split some slabs up with model lines to align with concrete poor’s onsite, i have utilized the script marcello created in his 2015 AU conference. the problem i am having is that i keep getting an error message saying “Warning: Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel operation failed.
Cannot make a PolyCurve from an empty list”
I am a beginner at dynamo, and was wondering if anyone can explain why this keeps happening ive read about the model being away from the 0,0 z

plane. how would i fix this?

The error says:

"Warning: Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel operation failed. Cannot make a PolyCurve from an empty list”

Errors will generally explain what your problem is, in a case like this it is pretty clear what is wrong. Make sure you read the errors and try finding the issue yourself before asking others to help. A little effort is the difference between learning something and having it done for you.

operation failed. Creating the floor failed. Why? "Cannot make a PolyCurve from an empty list” Check the outlineCurves inputs to see if you have an empty list somewhere. Go to Surface.PerimeterCurves and check the output to see what’s there.

If the problem is more than just an empty list, we will need to see the outputs of every node as right now, we have no information about anything inside your graph.