Split list into lists at index number

I’m looking for a way how to split a list into lists ad given index. Sometimes can be a few lists when a few indexes are given.
For example, there is a list:
0 item1
1 item2
2 item3
3 item4

indexes are:

Would like to achieve lists:
0 item1
0 item2
1 item3
0 item4
1 item5

Crumple has a split at index node, but i don’t behaves exaactly as you are describing since you are splitting one list into multiple lists.

Still, the python inside might be helpfull for you to determine the solution you are looking for.


Hi, you duplicate the index list
for one you insert 0 at the head
for the other at the end of the list the count of the list you make the difference that you send in list chop


Try this function:

# Function: Split list before indices
def splitList(lst, inds):
    # Initial variables
    counter = 1
    outLists, curList = [],[]
    # For each item...
    for i in lst:
        # Append to current list
        # If we split at the next index...
        if counter in inds:
            # Append current list and reset it
            curList = []
        # Uptick counter
        counter += 1
    # If we have a current list, append it
    if len(curList) > 0:
    # Return the outcome
    return outLists

# Test data
test_list = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
ind_split = [1,3,5]
# Test print
print(splitList(test_list, ind_split))

A cleaner but more complex Python approach would be a function using the yield statement, but above should work fine also.

# Function: Split list before indices
def splitList(lst, inds):
    # Initial variables
    counter = 1
    curList = []
    # For each item...
    for i in lst:
        # Append to current list
        # If we split at the next index...
        if counter in inds:
            # Yield current list
            yield curList
            curList = []
         # Uptick counter
        counter += 1
    # If we have a current list, yield it
    if len(curList) > 0:
        yield curList

# Test data
test_list = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
ind_split = [1,3,5]

# Test print
outcome = list(splitList(test_list, ind_split))
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