Hi, is it possible to automatically split all types of a family into single rfa files.?
Should be. You might be able to do it in one script, but that may be overly complicated. Easiest solution would probably be to have one script that saves out copies of the family (with new names) for each type, and a second script that opens those new families and deletes the unnecessary types.
Maybe something likes this? Packages used Clockwork and Orchid, it was done for only one family, for multiple families maybe a better lists structure is required.
Isn’t it easier to save out the family library?
@jacob.small I do not think this is what @autodesk.39241p really wants, what I understood from the post’s question is given a family with multiple types, the output shall be multiple families including only one type each.
There are more ways to skin a cat
Any reason this is desired? It’d make management and use VERY difficult, perhaps to the point of being borderline unusable.