I am just getting into Dynamo, and am trying out the following, as a thought experiment to understand how lists work.
Lets say I have the following:
[0][0] Fred
[0][1] Alice
[0][2] Jennifer
[0][3] Tom
[0][4] Frank
[1][0] Fred
[1][1] Alice
[1][2] Jennifer
[1][3] Tom
[1][4] Frank
[2][0] Fred
[2][1] Alice
[2][2] Jennifer
[2][3] Tom
[2][4] Frank
And I want to shift each list an increasing amount, to end up with this:
[0] (values are shifted by 1)
[0][1] Frank
[0][2] Fred
[0][3] Alice
[0][4] Jennifer
[0][5] Tom
[1] (values are shifted by 2)
[1][1] Tom
[1][2] Frank
[1][3] Fred
[1][4] Alice
[1][5] Jennifer
[2] (values are shifted by 3)
[2][1] Jennifer
[2][2] Tom
[2][3] Frank
[2][4] Fred
[2][5] Alice
Can anyone explain to me how this can be done, on a parent list that has an arbitrary number of sublists?