Hi all,
I’m trying to create sheets by titleblock and views, but I’m getting an error saying the view could not be packed on the sheet due to size of the view.
I’ve given all the views a scope box, which is smaller than the sheet. Has anyone encountered this before?
If you could show your other inputs into the sheet.bynamenumbertitleblockandviews it would be more helpful. From that error it seems that the view may be to large for the sheet but without knowing the other inputs, its hard to tell.
I hope this gives you a bit more information if you need the code just shout.
Have you tried manually placing your view to make sure it fits on the titleblock? Also, check your units.
See below the view should fit. I assume the thick black border on the outside of the view is the viewport? That could be the root of the problem, is there anyway of resizing it?
Strange. The error clearly thinks the view is more than twice the length of the titleblock. As for the viewport - you just need to pull your reference planes in closer to your view.
With regards to the units, surely the code just needs a titleblock to associate the views? If I’m missing a trick, please elaborate.
I was originally thinking that if your view was created in Dynamo and the wrong units were used for setting the crop region then the view would be too big. But that doesn’t seem to be the case.
Are you creating or modifying the views in this same graph?
Yes I’m creating views and applying a scope box in the same script.
You might try separating it into two scripts or adding a Wait node in between creating your views and creating your sheets.
The other thing you can try is creating blank sheets first then placing views on the new sheets. It’ll take some digging into Python and the API but it’s another option.
I’ve solved the sheet issue. I was using the wrong node for the sheets. I should have used the Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockandView not Views. Only issue I have now is figuring out how to apply a scope box to these views its not working for some reason.
Cheers all
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