Shared parameters

Take a look here…

probably its already fixed, see Mostafa have an upgrade for a couple of days ago

man o man ! not workin :frowning:

allright, havent tried…i dont know that node but could ootb works

aaah… need to create a new family type to use this node… I can’t access OpenMep package on my office laptop. any other package suggestions ? Back story - I’m creating new families and trying to fill the properties palette with existing excel data. So, I haven’t already created types… I’d want to create new types anyway.

You could try this one from mepover for create new family types…

Thank u so much… its working fine. had paused this task for months waiting for an update from Mostafa… Didn’t work anyway. but, now I’m all over the moon with the alternative :')

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Nice :wink: