Shaft rebar

Hi All,

I’m writing a python script for Shaft reinforcement, I’ve 04 rebars sets (02 vertical sets for outside and inside faces and 02 circular sets for outside and inside faces)…for this, I defined 04 containers where I can fill them with each rebar sets (Note: I choosed to set a single transaction regrouping all rebar sets and any suggetion for a better organization will be welcomed )

My containers are defined correctly but I’m stuck how to set correctly the for loop of the Ilist curves to be able to arrange my rebars into 04 sublists so they can match the containers range, for that I’m getting the following error:

For more details, please check my references below:

**1st script: Dynamo Curves**
import sys
import clr
import math
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *

import Revit
from Revit.Elements import Element

element = IN[0]
cover = IN[1]
circular_bar_type = IN[2]
vertical_bar_type = IN[3]
spacing = IN[4]

geo = element.Geometry()
surfaces = geo[0].Explode()

s_area = []

for i in surfaces:
S_area = ["%0.2f"%(round(i,2)) for i in s_area]
surf = []
surf_area = set()

for s, a in zip(surfaces, S_area):
    if a not in surf_area and S_area.count(a) == 2:
#getting circular curves        
out_cir_crv = surf[1].GetIsoline(1, 0).Explode()[0]
iner_cir_crv = surf[0].GetIsoline(1, 0).Explode()[0]

#getting vertical curves
out_V_crv = surf[1].GetIsoline(0, 1).Explode()[0]
iner_V_crv = surf[0].GetIsoline(0, 0).Explode()[0]

# overlap lengths
circ_overlap_length = circular_bar_type.GetParameterValueByName("Diamètre de barre")*50/1000
V_overlap_length = vertical_bar_type.GetParameterValueByName("Diamètre de barre")*50/1000

# cover from side face to circular rebar centerline
cir_cover = circular_bar_type.GetParameterValueByName("Diamètre de barre")/2000 + cover

# cover from side face to vertical rebar centerline
V_cover = 2* cir_cover-cover + V_overlap_length/100

# circular curves for outer and inner sides
out_cir_crv = out_cir_crv.Offset(-cir_cover)
iner_cir_crv = iner_cir_crv.Offset(cir_cover)

# total circular rebars length for outer and inner sides
out_circ_path = out_cir_crv.Length + circ_overlap_length
iner_circ_path = iner_cir_crv.Length + circ_overlap_length

# circular rebars count for outer and inner sides
out_rebar_count = math.ceil(out_circ_path / (12 - circ_overlap_length))
iner_rebar_count = math.ceil(iner_circ_path / (12 - circ_overlap_length))

# circular remainder distances for outer and inner sides
out_rest_length = out_circ_path - out_rebar_count * (12-circ_overlap_length)
iner_rest_length = iner_circ_path - iner_rebar_count * (12-circ_overlap_length)

# angle for rebar length = 12 for outer and inner sides
out_rebar_angle = 12 * 360 / out_cir_crv.Length
iner_rebar_angle = 12 * 360 / iner_cir_crv.Length

# circular overlap angles for outer and inner sides
out_circ_overlap_angle = circ_overlap_length * 360 /(2* math.pi * out_cir_crv.Radius)
iner_circ_overlap_angle = circ_overlap_length * 360 /(2* math.pi * iner_cir_crv.Radius)

Start_angles = []
End_angles = []

st_angle = 0
end_angle = out_rebar_angle
for i in range(0,int(out_rebar_count)-1):
    star_angle = st_angle + i * out_rebar_angle - i* out_circ_overlap_angle
    End_angle = end_angle + i * out_rebar_angle - i * out_circ_overlap_angle
out_rest_angle = (out_circ_path - out_cir_crv.Length) *360 /(2* math.pi * out_cir_crv.Radius)
out_Arc = []
rest_Arc = []
L_out_arc = 0
k = 0
for i, j in zip(Start_angles, End_angles):
    out_arc = Arc.ByCenterPointRadiusAngle(out_cir_crv.CenterPoint, out_cir_crv.Radius, i, j, Vector.ZAxis())
    L_out_arc += out_arc.Length
    k += 1
    Rest_arc = out_circ_path - (L_out_arc - k * circ_overlap_length)
star_angle_rest_arc = End_angles[-1] - out_circ_overlap_angle

a = out_cir_crv.Length
b = 12 - circ_overlap_length

if round(a % b, 2) == 0:
    rest_arc = 0
    rest_arc = Arc.ByCenterPointRadiusAngle(out_cir_crv.CenterPoint, out_cir_crv.Radius, star_angle_rest_arc, out_circ_overlap_angle, Vector.ZAxis())

Start_angles = []
End_angles = []

st_angle = 0
end_angle = iner_rebar_angle
for i in range(0,int(iner_rebar_count)-1):
    star_angle = st_angle + i * iner_rebar_angle - i* iner_circ_overlap_angle
    End_angle = end_angle + i * iner_rebar_angle - i * iner_circ_overlap_angle
iner_rest_angle = (iner_circ_path - iner_cir_crv.Length) *360 /(2* math.pi * iner_cir_crv.Radius)
iner_Arc = []
rest_Arc = []
L_iner_arc = 0
k = 0
for i, j in zip(Start_angles, End_angles):
    iner_arc = Arc.ByCenterPointRadiusAngle(iner_cir_crv.CenterPoint, iner_cir_crv.Radius, i, j, Vector.ZAxis())
    L_iner_arc += iner_arc.Length
    k += 1
    Rest_arc = iner_circ_path - (L_iner_arc - k * circ_overlap_length)
star_angle_rest_arc = End_angles[-1] - iner_circ_overlap_angle

c = iner_cir_crv.Length
d = 12 - circ_overlap_length

if round(c % d, 2) == 0:
    rest_arc = 0
    rest_arc = Arc.ByCenterPointRadiusAngle(iner_cir_crv.CenterPoint, iner_cir_crv.Radius, star_angle_rest_arc, iner_circ_overlap_angle, Vector.ZAxis())
out_direct = out_V_crv.Direction
iner_direct = iner_V_crv.Direction

if out_direct.Z > 0 :
    out_V_crv = out_V_crv
    out_V_crv = out_V_crv.Reverse()
if iner_direct.Z > 0 :
    iner_V_crv = iner_V_crv
    iner_V_crv = iner_V_crv.Reverse()    
out_vect = out_direct.Cross(Vector.ByCoordinates(0,1,0)) 
iner_vect = iner_direct.Cross(Vector.ByCoordinates(0,-1,0)) 
out_V_crv = out_V_crv.Translate(out_vect, V_cover)
iner_V_crv = iner_V_crv.Translate(iner_vect, V_cover)
v_path = out_V_crv
out_V_crv = out_V_crv.ExtendEnd(V_overlap_length)
iner_V_crv = iner_V_crv.ExtendEnd(V_overlap_length)

out_path = Circle.ByCenterPointRadius(out_cir_crv.CenterPoint, out_cir_crv.Radius - V_cover + cir_cover )

iner_path = Circle.ByCenterPointRadius(iner_cir_crv.CenterPoint, iner_cir_crv.Radius + V_cover - cir_cover)    

OUT = out_Arc, iner_Arc, out_V_crv, iner_V_crv, out_path, iner_path, v_path
**2nd script: Rebars creation**
import sys
import clr
import math
import System

from System.Collections.Generic import IList, List 

import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
from Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure import *

import Revit

import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
# Dynamo curves
out_cir_crv = [i.ToRevitType() for i in IN[0][0]]
iner_cir_crv = [i.ToRevitType() for i in IN[0][1]]
out_V_crv = IN[0][2].ToRevitType()
iner_V_crv = IN[0][3].ToRevitType()
out_path = IN[0][4].ToRevitType()
iner_path = IN[0][5].ToRevitType()
v_path = IN[0][6].ToRevitType()

cir_bar_type = UnwrapElement(IN[1])
V_bar_type = UnwrapElement(IN[2])
Start_Hook = UnwrapElement(IN[3])
End_Hook = UnwrapElement(IN[4])
host= UnwrapElement(IN[5])
H_s = IN[6]/0.3048
V_s = IN[7]/0.3048

rebar_type = [cir_bar_type, cir_bar_type, V_bar_type, V_bar_type]
container_name = [i.ToDSType(False).Name for i in rebar_type]
St_Hook = [End_Hook, End_Hook, Start_Hook, Start_Hook]
end_Hook = [End_Hook, End_Hook, End_Hook, End_Hook]
#cir_container_name = cir_bar_type.ToDSType(False).Name
#V_container_name = V_bar_type.ToDSType(False).Name
# compute the rotation angle
def rebar_rotation(circle, space):
    sweepAngle = (space * 360) / (circle.Radius *  2 * math.pi)
    return sweepAngle

out_angle = rebar_rotation(out_path, V_s)
iner_angle = rebar_rotation(iner_path, V_s)
# rotated rebars count
out_count = int(math.ceil(360/out_angle))
iner_count = int(math.ceil(360/iner_angle))
# get rotated curves
circ_count = int(math.ceil((v_path.Length -0.1*0.3048)/H_s))

out_cir_curvs = []
for i in range(0, circ_count):
    temp = []
    for j in out_cir_crv:
        e0 = 0.05*0.3048
        e= e0 + i * H_s
        circ_offset = Transform.CreateTranslation(out_V_crv.Direction.Normalize()*e)
        j = j.CreateTransformed(circ_offset)
iner_cir_curvs = []
for i in range(0, circ_count):
    temp = []
    for j in iner_cir_crv:
        e0 = 0.05*0.3048
        e= e0 + i * H_s
        circ_offset = Transform.CreateTranslation(iner_V_crv.Direction.Normalize()*e)
        j = j.CreateTransformed(circ_offset)
out_V_curvs = []
for i in range(0, out_count):   
    a= i*out_angle
    rot_curv = Transform.CreateRotation(XYZ.BasisZ, a*2*math.pi/360)
    out_curvs = out_V_crv.CreateTransformed(rot_curv)
iner_V_curvs = []
for i in range(0, iner_count):   
    a= i*iner_angle
    rot_curv = Transform.CreateRotation(XYZ.BasisZ, a*2*math.pi/360)
    iner_curvs = iner_V_crv.CreateTransformed(rot_curv)
curvs = out_cir_curvs + iner_cir_curvs + [out_V_curvs,iner_V_curvs]

#create horizontal line needed to create normal vector

out_line =Line.CreateBound(out_V_crv.GetEndPoint(0), iner_V_crv.GetEndPoint(0))
iner_line =Line.CreateBound(iner_V_crv.GetEndPoint(0), out_V_crv.GetEndPoint(0))

out_circ_vect = []

for i in range (0, len(out_cir_curvs)):
    temp = []
    for j in out_cir_curvs[i]:
        star_pt = j.GetEndPoint(0)
        end_pt = XYZ(0 , 0, star_pt.Z )
        h_line = Line.CreateBound(star_pt, end_pt)
        h_vect = (h_line.GetEndPoint(1) - h_line.GetEndPoint(0)).Normalize()

iner_circ_vect = []
for i in range (0, len(iner_cir_curvs)):
    temp = []
    for j in iner_cir_curvs[i]:
        star_pt = j.GetEndPoint(0)
        end_pt = XYZ(0 , 0, star_pt.Z )
        h_line = Line.CreateBound(end_pt, star_pt)
        h_vect = (h_line.GetEndPoint(1) - h_line.GetEndPoint(0)).Normalize()

rot_90 = Transform.CreateRotation(XYZ.BasisZ, math.pi/2)
out_line = out_line.CreateTransformed(rot_90)
iner_line = iner_line.CreateTransformed(rot_90)
#get rotated lines
out_V_Vect = []
for i in range(0, out_count):   
    a= i*out_angle
    rot_vect = Transform.CreateRotation(XYZ.BasisZ, a*2*math.pi/360)
    out_vect = out_line.CreateTransformed(rot_vect)

iner_V_Vect = []
for i in range(0, iner_count):   
    a= i*iner_angle
    rot_vect = Transform.CreateRotation(XYZ.BasisZ, a*2*math.pi/360)
    iner_vect = iner_line.CreateTransformed(rot_vect)
#create normal vectors
out_V_Vect = [(i.GetEndPoint(0) - i.GetEndPoint(1)).Normalize() for i in out_V_Vect]
iner_V_Vect = [(i.GetEndPoint(0) - i.GetEndPoint(1)).Normalize() for i in iner_V_Vect]

Vect = out_circ_vect + iner_circ_vect + [out_V_Vect, iner_V_Vect]

# create rebars
rebars = []

containerTypeId = [RebarContainerType.GetOrCreateRebarContainerType(doc, c ) for c in container_name]
rebarContainer = [RebarContainer.Create(doc, host, r) for r in  containerTypeId]
for i, j in zip(range(0, len(curvs)), range(0, len(Vect))):
    totalLength = []
    rebar_curv = List[Curve]()
    for c, v in zip(curvs[i], Vect[j]):
        rebar = Rebar.CreateFromCurves(doc, RebarStyle.Standard, rebar_type[i], St_Hook[i], end_Hook[i], host, v, rebar_curv, RebarHookOrientation.Left, RebarHookOrientation.Right, True, True)
    quantityParameter = rebarContainer[i].get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.REBAR_ELEM_QUANTITY_OF_BARS)
    totalLengthParameter = rebarContainer[i].LookupParameter("Longueur de barre totale")
    containerParameters = rebarContainer[i].GetParametersManager()
    containerParameters.AddOverride(quantityParameter.Id, len(curvs[i]))
    containerParameters.AddOverride(totalLengthParameter.Id, sum(totalLength))

OUT = rebars

Shaft_rebars.dyn (33.0 KB)
circular_wall.rvt (3.4 MB)

Any help will be appreciated


@c.poupin @christian.stan

Have you any idea how to solve this issue ?


Can you help me pls?


Hi All, @c.poupin @Organon @christian.stan

I solved my problem and I got my 04 containers filled up with rebars as I wanted for both faces and both directions; but I was able to do that only by flattening my curves lists especially circular curves (which are list of sublists curves) to get 04 curves lists that match the 04 containers list

…Now for a better organization I want to keep the original level of the circular curve lists as it is (named in the script: out_cir_curvs and iner_cir_curvs) without flattening them, but I’m unable to do it correctly inside the Transaction

please check below the updated scripts and dyn file:

1st script: updated_dynamo_curves
import sys
import clr
import math
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *

import Revit
from Revit.Elements import Element

element = IN[0]
cover = IN[1]
circular_bar_type = IN[2]
vertical_bar_type = IN[3]
H_s = IN[4]
V_s = IN[5]

geo = element.Geometry()
surfaces = geo[0].Explode()

s_area = []

for i in surfaces:
S_area = ["%0.2f"%(round(i,2)) for i in s_area]
surf = []
surf_area = set()

for s, a in zip(surfaces, S_area):
    if a not in surf_area and S_area.count(a) == 2:
#getting circular curves        
out_cir_crv = surf[1].GetIsoline(1, 0).Explode()[0]
iner_cir_crv = surf[0].GetIsoline(1, 0).Explode()[0]

#getting vertical curves
out_V_crv = surf[1].GetIsoline(0, 1).Explode()[0]
iner_V_crv = surf[0].GetIsoline(0, 0).Explode()[0]

# overlap lengths
circ_overlap_length = circular_bar_type.GetParameterValueByName("Diamètre de barre")*50/1000
V_overlap_length = vertical_bar_type.GetParameterValueByName("Diamètre de barre")*50/1000

# cover from side face to circular rebar centerline
cir_cover = circular_bar_type.GetParameterValueByName("Diamètre de barre")/2000 + cover

# cover from side face to vertical rebar centerline
V_cover = 2* cir_cover-cover + V_overlap_length/100

# circular curves for outer and inner sides
out_cir_crv = out_cir_crv.Offset(-cir_cover)
out_cir_crv = out_cir_crv.Translate(0, 0, cover + 1.5 * V_overlap_length/50 + vertical_bar_type.GetParameterValueByName("Diamètre de cintrage de crochet standard")/2000)
iner_cir_crv = iner_cir_crv.Offset(cir_cover)
iner_cir_crv = iner_cir_crv.Translate(0, 0, cover + 1.5 * V_overlap_length/50 + vertical_bar_type.GetParameterValueByName("Diamètre de cintrage de crochet standard")/2000)
# total circular rebars length for outer and inner sides
out_circ_path = out_cir_crv.Length + circ_overlap_length
iner_circ_path = iner_cir_crv.Length + circ_overlap_length

# circular rebars count for outer and inner sides
out_rebar_count = math.ceil(out_circ_path / (12 - circ_overlap_length))
iner_rebar_count = math.ceil(iner_circ_path / (12 - circ_overlap_length))

# circular remainder distances for outer and inner sides
out_rest_length = out_circ_path - out_rebar_count * (12-circ_overlap_length)
iner_rest_length = iner_circ_path - iner_rebar_count * (12-circ_overlap_length)

# angle for rebar length = 12 for outer and inner sides
out_rebar_angle = 12 * 360 / out_cir_crv.Length
iner_rebar_angle = 12 * 360 / iner_cir_crv.Length

# circular overlap angles for outer and inner sides
out_circ_overlap_angle = circ_overlap_length * 360 /(2* math.pi * out_cir_crv.Radius)
iner_circ_overlap_angle = circ_overlap_length * 360 /(2* math.pi * iner_cir_crv.Radius)

Start_angles = []
End_angles = []

st_angle = 0
end_angle = out_rebar_angle
for i in range(0,int(out_rebar_count)-1):
    star_angle = st_angle + i * out_rebar_angle - i* out_circ_overlap_angle
    End_angle = end_angle + i * out_rebar_angle - i * out_circ_overlap_angle
out_rest_angle = (out_circ_path - out_cir_crv.Length) *360 /(2* math.pi * out_cir_crv.Radius)
out_Arc = []
rest_Arc = []
L_out_arc = 0
k = 0
for i, j in zip(Start_angles, End_angles):
    out_arc = Arc.ByCenterPointRadiusAngle(out_cir_crv.CenterPoint, out_cir_crv.Radius, i, j, Vector.ZAxis())
    L_out_arc += out_arc.Length
    k += 1
    Rest_arc = out_circ_path - (L_out_arc - k * circ_overlap_length)
star_angle_rest_arc = End_angles[-1] - out_circ_overlap_angle

a = out_cir_crv.Length
b = 12 - circ_overlap_length

if round(a % b, 2) == 0:
    rest_arc = 0
    rest_arc = Arc.ByCenterPointRadiusAngle(out_cir_crv.CenterPoint, out_cir_crv.Radius, star_angle_rest_arc, out_circ_overlap_angle, Vector.ZAxis())

Start_angles = []
End_angles = []

st_angle = 0
end_angle = iner_rebar_angle
for i in range(0,int(iner_rebar_count)-1):
    star_angle = st_angle + i * iner_rebar_angle - i* iner_circ_overlap_angle
    End_angle = end_angle + i * iner_rebar_angle - i * iner_circ_overlap_angle
iner_rest_angle = (iner_circ_path - iner_cir_crv.Length) *360 /(2* math.pi * iner_cir_crv.Radius)
iner_Arc = []
rest_Arc = []
L_iner_arc = 0
k = 0
for i, j in zip(Start_angles, End_angles):
    iner_arc = Arc.ByCenterPointRadiusAngle(iner_cir_crv.CenterPoint, iner_cir_crv.Radius, i, j, Vector.ZAxis())
    L_iner_arc += iner_arc.Length
    k += 1
    Rest_arc = iner_circ_path - (L_iner_arc - k * circ_overlap_length)
star_angle_rest_arc = End_angles[-1] - iner_circ_overlap_angle

c = iner_cir_crv.Length
d = 12 - circ_overlap_length

if round(c % d, 2) == 0:
    rest_arc = 0
    rest_arc = Arc.ByCenterPointRadiusAngle(iner_cir_crv.CenterPoint, iner_cir_crv.Radius, star_angle_rest_arc, iner_circ_overlap_angle, Vector.ZAxis())
out_direct = out_V_crv.Direction
iner_direct = iner_V_crv.Direction

if out_direct.Z > 0 :
    out_V_crv = out_V_crv
    out_V_crv = out_V_crv.Reverse()
if iner_direct.Z > 0 :
    iner_V_crv = iner_V_crv
    iner_V_crv = iner_V_crv.Reverse()    
out_vect = out_direct.Cross(Vector.ByCoordinates(0,1,0)) 
iner_vect = iner_direct.Cross(Vector.ByCoordinates(0,-1,0)) 
out_V_crv = out_V_crv.Translate(out_vect, V_cover)
iner_V_crv = iner_V_crv.Translate(iner_vect, V_cover)
v_path = out_V_crv.TrimByParameter(cover/out_V_crv.Length, out_V_crv.Length - 0.10/out_V_crv.Length)
out_V_crv = out_V_crv.ExtendEnd(V_overlap_length)
out_V_crv = out_V_crv.Translate(0, 0, cover)
iner_V_crv = iner_V_crv.ExtendEnd(V_overlap_length)
iner_V_crv = iner_V_crv.Translate(0, 0, cover)
out_path = Circle.ByCenterPointRadius(out_cir_crv.CenterPoint, out_cir_crv.Radius - V_cover + cir_cover )

iner_path = Circle.ByCenterPointRadius(iner_cir_crv.CenterPoint, iner_cir_crv.Radius + V_cover - cir_cover)    

OUT = out_Arc, iner_Arc, out_V_crv, iner_V_crv, out_path, iner_path, v_path
2nd script: updated_rebar_creation
import sys
import clr
import math
import System

from System.Collections.Generic import IList, List 

import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
from Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure import *

import Revit

import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
# Dynamo curves
out_cir_crv = [i.ToRevitType() for i in IN[0][0]]
iner_cir_crv = [i.ToRevitType() for i in IN[0][1]]
out_V_crv = IN[0][2].ToRevitType()
iner_V_crv = IN[0][3].ToRevitType()
out_path = IN[0][4].ToRevitType()
iner_path = IN[0][5].ToRevitType()
v_path = IN[0][6].ToRevitType()

cir_bar_type = UnwrapElement(IN[1])
V_bar_type = UnwrapElement(IN[2])
Start_Hook = UnwrapElement(IN[3])
End_Hook = UnwrapElement(IN[4])
host= UnwrapElement(IN[5])
H_s = IN[6]/0.3048
V_s = IN[7]/0.3048

rebar_type = [cir_bar_type, cir_bar_type, V_bar_type, V_bar_type]
container_name = [i.ToDSType(False).Name for i in rebar_type]
St_Hook = [End_Hook, End_Hook, Start_Hook, Start_Hook]
end_Hook = [End_Hook, End_Hook, End_Hook, End_Hook]
#cir_container_name = cir_bar_type.ToDSType(False).Name
#V_container_name = V_bar_type.ToDSType(False).Name
# compute the rotation angle
def rebar_rotation(circle, space):
    sweepAngle = (space * 360) / (circle.Radius *  2 * math.pi)
    return sweepAngle

out_angle = rebar_rotation(out_path, V_s)
iner_angle = rebar_rotation(iner_path, V_s)
# rotated rebars count
out_count = int(math.ceil(360/out_angle))
iner_count = int(math.ceil(360/iner_angle))
# get rotated curves
circ_count = int(math.ceil(v_path.Length /H_s))

out_cir_curvs = []
for i in range(0, circ_count):
    temp = []
    for j in out_cir_crv:
        #e0 = 0.05/0.3048
        e= i * H_s
        circ_offset = Transform.CreateTranslation(out_V_crv.Direction.Normalize()*e)
        j = j.CreateTransformed(circ_offset)
        e1 = v_path.Length - e
        if e1 >= H_s:

out_cir_curvs = out_cir_curvs[:-1]
out_cir_curvs = [i for sublist in out_cir_curvs for i in sublist]    

iner_cir_curvs = []
for i in range(0, circ_count):
    temp = []
    for j in iner_cir_crv:
        #e0 = 0.05/0.3048
        e= i * H_s
        circ_offset = Transform.CreateTranslation(iner_V_crv.Direction.Normalize()*e)
        j = j.CreateTransformed(circ_offset)
        e1 = v_path.Length - e
        if e1 >= H_s:

iner_cir_curvs = iner_cir_curvs[:-1]
iner_cir_curvs = [i for sublist in iner_cir_curvs for i in sublist]

out_V_curvs = []
for i in range(0, out_count):   
    a= i*out_angle
    rot_curv = Transform.CreateRotation(XYZ.BasisZ, a*2*math.pi/360)
    out_curvs = out_V_crv.CreateTransformed(rot_curv)
iner_V_curvs = []
for i in range(0, iner_count):   
    a= i*iner_angle
    rot_curv = Transform.CreateRotation(XYZ.BasisZ, a*2*math.pi/360)
    iner_curvs = iner_V_crv.CreateTransformed(rot_curv)
curvs = [out_cir_curvs, iner_cir_curvs, out_V_curvs, iner_V_curvs]

#create horizontal line needed to create normal vector

out_line =Line.CreateBound(out_V_crv.GetEndPoint(0), iner_V_crv.GetEndPoint(0))
iner_line =Line.CreateBound(iner_V_crv.GetEndPoint(0), out_V_crv.GetEndPoint(0))

out_circ_vect = []

for i in range (0, len(out_cir_curvs)):
    star_pt = j.GetEndPoint(0)
    end_pt = XYZ(0 , 0, star_pt.Z )
    h_line = Line.CreateBound(star_pt, end_pt)
    h_vect = (h_line.GetEndPoint(1) - h_line.GetEndPoint(0)).Normalize()

iner_circ_vect = []
for i in range (0, len(iner_cir_curvs)):
    star_pt = j.GetEndPoint(0)
    end_pt = XYZ(0 , 0, star_pt.Z )
    h_line = Line.CreateBound(star_pt, end_pt)
    h_vect = (h_line.GetEndPoint(1) - h_line.GetEndPoint(0)).Normalize()
rot_90 = Transform.CreateRotation(XYZ.BasisZ, math.pi/2)
out_line = out_line.CreateTransformed(rot_90)
iner_line = iner_line.CreateTransformed(rot_90)
#get rotated lines
out_V_Vect = []
for i in range(0, out_count):   
    a= i*out_angle
    rot_vect = Transform.CreateRotation(XYZ.BasisZ, a*2*math.pi/360)
    out_vect = out_line.CreateTransformed(rot_vect)

iner_V_Vect = []
for i in range(0, iner_count):   
    a= i*iner_angle
    rot_vect = Transform.CreateRotation(XYZ.BasisZ, a*2*math.pi/360)
    iner_vect = iner_line.CreateTransformed(rot_vect)
#create normal vectors
out_V_Vect = [(i.GetEndPoint(0) - i.GetEndPoint(1)).Normalize() for i in out_V_Vect]
iner_V_Vect = [(i.GetEndPoint(1) - i.GetEndPoint(0)).Normalize() for i in iner_V_Vect]

Vect = [out_circ_vect, iner_circ_vect, out_V_Vect, iner_V_Vect]

# create rebars
rebars = []

containerTypeId = [RebarContainerType.GetOrCreateRebarContainerType(doc, c ) for c in container_name]
rebarContainer = [RebarContainer.Create(doc, host, r) for r in  containerTypeId]

for i, j in zip(range(0, len(curvs)), range(0, len(Vect))):
    totalLength = []
    rebar_curv = List[Curve]()
    for c, v in zip(curvs[i], Vect[j]):
        rebar = Rebar.CreateFromCurves(doc, RebarStyle.Standard, rebar_type[i], St_Hook[i], end_Hook[i], host, v, rebar_curv, RebarHookOrientation.Left, RebarHookOrientation.Right, True, True)
    quantityParameter = rebarContainer[i].get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.REBAR_ELEM_QUANTITY_OF_BARS)
    totalLengthParameter = rebarContainer[i].LookupParameter("Longueur de barre totale")
    containerParameters = rebarContainer[i].GetParametersManager()
    containerParameters.AddOverride(quantityParameter.Id, len(curvs[i]))
    containerParameters.AddOverride(totalLengthParameter.Id, sum(totalLength))

OUT = rebars

final_shaft_rebar.dyn (34.0 KB)

So any help would be greatly apreciated


your code is really difficult to understand, try to simplify the code for the forum (example if it’s a list structure problem, try to reproduce a simple example)

for your problem, try to define the types in the loop

here is a pseudocode

for groupCurves, groupVectors in zip(curvs, Vect):
	# determine type of start Hook and end Hook with the 1st curve of group
	curve_to_check = groupCurves[0]
	# if curve_to_check is the inner Arc
	if isinstance(curve_to_check, Arc) and curve_to_check.Radius <= inner_distance_to_center:
		rebar_type = ??? # define the type 
		St_Hook = ??? # define the type
		end_Hook = ??? # define the type
	# if curve_to_check is the outer Arc
	elif isinstance(curve_to_check, Arc) and curve_to_check.Radius > inner_distance_to_center:
		rebar_type = ???
		St_Hook = ???
		end_Hook = ???
	# if curve_to_check is the inner vertical Line
	elif isinstance(curve_to_check, Line) and curve_to_check.DistanceTo(pointCenter) <= inner_distance_to_center:
		rebar_type = ???
		St_Hook = ???
		end_Hook = ???
	# if curve_to_check is the outer vertical Line
	elif isinstance(curve_to_check, Line) and curve_to_check.DistanceTo(pointCenter) > inner_distance_to_center:
		rebar_type = ???
		St_Hook = ???
		end_Hook = ???
		rebar_type = None
		St_Hook = None
		end_Hook = None
	if all(x is not None for x in [rebar_type, St_Hook, end_Hook]):
		for rebar_curv, vector in zip(groupCurves, groupVectors ):
			rebar = Rebar.CreateFromCurves(doc, 

note impossible to work with your rvt file :wink:

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If you can’t get it figured out within your code, you can always do a count of the original list and chop the final list by the counts.

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Hi @c.poupin
Thanks for your given code
My problem is not related to rebar types or their Hooks…I have to fill my 04 containers representing the rebars in both faces and both directions as shown in the image below

As I said in my previous post I solved my problem by flattening the circular curve lists (out_cir_curvs and iner_cir_curvs) which are list of sublists curves so they can match levels of vertical curve lists and to be able to fill each container with its corresponding rebar list

Now, I’m looking for a way to get the same result without flattening my circular curve lists and keep them as it is!?..Can I do it using array IList class as you used it here

Sorry for the wrong attached revit model…this one should works

Shaft_rebar1.rvt (3.5 MB)


that’s not my problem and I’m not trying to divide my original list


Maybe I am misunderstanding the whole intent. But I wasn’t saying to divide your original list. You divide/chop the flattened list to match the original list.