Set View Template for 3D Views

Hi all,

I have an issue in setting view template to 3D view using python script.
The idea is to select multiple 3D views, apply different view templates to each views and export each view every time after applying view template.

The scripts runs without error…but no result.

I suspect the issue is with matching the collector view name & view template name. ( in the if loop)

import clr
    from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *
    # Import ToDSType(bool) extension method
    import Revit
    # Import geometry conversion extension methods
    # Import DocumentManager and TransactionManager
    import RevitServices
    from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
    from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager
    from System.Collections.Generic import *
    # Import RevitAPI
    import Autodesk
    from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *

    doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
    uiapp = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentUIApplication
    app = uiapp.Application

    viewtempname = IN[1]
    prefix = IN[2]
    folder = IN[3]
    views = []
    index = 1

    for i in IN[0]:

    # Start Transaction

    collector = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(View3D)#change to View3D
for i in collector:
    	if i.IsTemplate == True:
    		for v in viewtempname:
    			if i.Name == v:
    				viewtemp = i
    				for c in views:
    					c.ViewTemplateId = viewtemp.Id
    					vname = prefix + c.Name + str(index)
    					nop = NavisworksExportOptions()
    					nop.ExportScope = NavisworksExportScope.View
    					nop.ViewId = c.Id
    					index = index + 1			
    #for c, v in zip(viewelements,viewtemp):
    	#c.SetParameterByName(param, v)
    #for c, v in zip(views,viewtemp):
    #	c.ViewTemplateId = v.Id
    #	vname = prefix + c.Name + str(index)
    #	nop = NavisworksExportOptions()
    #	nop.ExportScope = NavisworksExportScope.View
    #	nop.ViewId = c.Id
    #	doc.Export(folder,vname,nop)
    #	index = index + 1
    # End Transaction

    OUT = views

Change View Template_6.dyn (31.7 KB)

Please help…

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Sample File

Hi @varunbose ,
to my knowledge, view templates for 3d views are not accesissble through dynamo.

@varunbose @Mostafa_El_Ayoubi I’ve had luck with the View.ApplyViewTemplate node from the SteamNodes package. It seems you can’t retrieve 3D view templates but you can still apply them using the name of the view template.

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@dana.g Very interesting …
So I took a look at the code inside that node and it turns out Dynamo python nodes will output the names of 3d view templates but not the templates themselves…

so here’s a proposal for you @varunbose :
the dyn Change View Template_6 mod.dyn (26.1 KB)

I found a way to only display 3D view templates (maybe a dropdown would be more apporpriate than a listview input), here’s the code I used:

import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import*
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument

tempnames = [v.Name for v in FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(View).ToElements() if v.IsTemplate and v.ViewType == ViewType.ThreeD]
OUT = tempnames

@Mostafa_El_Ayoubi That’s really clever! I may be borrowing this for future use :wink: thank you!

Thanks Mostafa,

That code to display 3D view templates is brilliant…

@dana.g Thanks…My scrip was a combination of Steam Node & Data Shape node with changes.

Changes I tried to do is…

Steam Node : Instead of applying 1 view template to different views, I tried to apply different view templates to 1 view (Because I am greedy…I tried multiple views before I post here…:grinning::grinning:).

Data Shape Node: Because there will be multiple export from same view, I added a index to add to name before export.

Then I added Data Shape node under Steam Node in the loop itself, so that as soon as 1st view gets the 1st view template set, it will get exported, then apply next template for the same view & export until all view templates are applied. then jump to next view, do the same…and so on…

But don’t know what is the issue…

viewtempname = IN[1]
prefix = IN[2]
folder = IN[3]
views = []
index = 1

for i in IN[0]:

# Start Transaction

collector = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(View)					
for x in viewtempname:	
	for i in collector:
		if i.IsTemplate == True and i.Name == x:
			viewtemp = i
	for c in views:
		c.ViewTemplateId = viewtemp.Id
		vname = prefix + c.Name + str(index)
		nop = NavisworksExportOptions()
		nop.ExportScope = NavisworksExportScope.View
		nop.ViewId = c.Id
		index = index + 1

I am getting “viewtemp” as null… :exploding_head::exploding_head::cold_sweat:

I don’t know whether the looping is proper or not…
Change View Template_9.dyn (27.1 KB)

@Mostafa_El_Ayoubi they are accessible, it’s just that they cannot be wrapped into an object that Dynamo can pass around on canvas/between nodes. It’s still possible to use a Python node to get a 3D view template, apply it to whatever view etc. so long as you don’t try to output it from the Python node.


@Konrad_K_Sobon Wht do think the issue is thn…

Why do you even need a 3D View template? You can apply a plan view template to a 3d view and it works just fine. Whatever the issue is, it’s just best to avoid these half-baked templates because they have no purpose.

Ps. I would consider what you are trying to accomplish. You are applying the view template to a 3D View. The idea here is that you apply that view template, and then export that view to Navisworks. It sounds honky dory in theory, but I have a feeling that for a View template to actually take effect it needs to regenerate the model. Try putting a doc.Regenerate() between view template being applied and the actual view getting exported.

The script works fine (with modification) if I apply 1 view template to multiple views.

But When I make the view template in a list and loop it through…it didnt work…That y I thought issue is with loop

I have a project where we have 4 zone…40 floors. I do clash detection per floor seperate for each zone. So I thought of making this script…And I thought I am too close with this to work…

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@Mostafa_El_Ayoubi @Konrad_K_Sobon @dana.g This is getting interesting now…

I noticed that, after running this graph, even though I am not getting any NWC output, some views was getting a change in view template. Because its looping through different views & setting different view templates, I had a doubt that whether the loop was working or not.

So I added a message box in the loop to see, what is happening. (To show View Template ID after applying)
The result is that, the loop itself is working & Script can set different view templates to different views. See the video.

SWF Video. (Web browser can open this video…)

I was expecting a message after each view template is set. But I noticed that at some stage, when I close 1 message next pop up but no change but as soon as I close that 2 views get changed…There is something wrong there also. But It sure that this script is setting 3D View template to views.

But not exporting NWC after setting view template. So as @Konrad_K_Sobon advised I added doc.Regenerate() as soon as view template is set before it moves to Export code. But still no export.

import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *
# Import ToDSType(bool) extension method
import Revit
# Import geometry conversion extension methods
# Import DocumentManager and TransactionManager
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager
from System.Collections.Generic import *
# Import RevitAPI
import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *

from Autodesk.Revit.UI import TaskDialog

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
uiapp = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentUIApplication
app = uiapp.Application

viewtempname = IN[1]
prefix = IN[2]
folder = IN[3]

views = []
index = 1
test1 = []
test2 = []
test3 = []
test4 = []
msgBox = TaskDialog

for i in IN[0]:

# Start Transaction

collector = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(View)
for x in viewtempname:	
	for i in collector:
		if i.IsTemplate == True and i.Name == x:
			viewtemp = i
			test2.append (x)
			test3.append (i)
			test4.append (viewtemp.Id)
	for c in views:
		c.ViewTemplateId = viewtemp.Id
		vname = prefix + c.Name + str(index)
		nop = NavisworksExportOptions()
		nop.ExportScope = NavisworksExportScope.View
		nop.ViewId = c.Id
		index = index + 1
# End Transaction

OUT = views,viewtemp,test1,test2,test3,test4,collector

Any hints please…

When I added the message box just above the Export, it works fine. Means it “ignores” v=doc.Export(folder,vname,nop). Its finishing the loop, so not exiting at doc.Export…:thinking::thinking::thinking:


for c in views:
		c.ViewTemplateId = viewtemp.Id
		vname = prefix + c.Name + str(index)
		nop = NavisworksExportOptions()
		nop.ExportScope = NavisworksExportScope.View
		nop.ViewId = c.Id
		msgBox.Show("Result",str(c.Id) + "--" + vname)
		index = index + 1

Too close…

@varunbose this will do what you want :
in my example I have three templates: one that only shows roofs, one that only shows floors and one for walls. The script applies all the selected templates to each selected 3D view you select and exports it to nwc.
the dyn : Change View Template_6 mod2.dyn (24.4 KB)

the code for the last part:

import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import*

from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument

def tolist(input):
	if isinstance(input,list):
		return input
		return [input]

views = UnwrapElement(tolist(IN[0]))
directorypath = IN[1]
templatenames = tolist(IN[2])
templates = []
templatescollector = [t for t in FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(View).ToElements() if t.IsTemplate]
for i in templatescollector:
	for tn in templatenames:
		if i.Name  == tn:
nop = NavisworksExportOptions()
nop.ExportScope = NavisworksExportScope.View

for v in views:
	for t in templates:

		tr = Transaction(doc,t.Name)
		v.ViewTemplateId = t.Id
		nop.ViewId = v.Id
		doc.Export(IN[1],v.Name + t.Name,nop)

OUT = [t.Name for t in templates]

This is perfect…Thnks for the help Mostafa…


I’m a beginner in Revit and Dynamo, and do I see it right that the latest DYN here in this thread “View Template_6 mod2.dyn” is not ready to run, but need some modifications or additional packages?



NWC Export Views using Multiple View Templates.dyn (30.1 KB)

Hi Peter,

May be its the Node package issue. Try this out & let us know. It works on my end.


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Revit 2018.1.3 German, Dynamo 2.0.0

packages, downloaded today:

errors on start:

Did you tried the script I send today…? Its not using those packages…
So it should work.