Is there any way to change the default viewport title per view category? for instance plan views will have their own viewport title which is different from schedules and I want to remove it from all legends.
I am looking to do this using dynamo.
Thanks in advance for any kind help!
You should be able to create a graph that when run will change viewport titles. Here is an example of changing viewport titles. It this case I want to change views that are on sheets. My company uses a standard naming scheme for different view types so I filter views on sheets by sting values and then change to corresponding viewport type with the correct viewport title configured. Hope this helps you as a starting point.
href="//cdck-file-uploads-global.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/flex016/uploads/dynamobim/original/3X/3/5/3576607b70b921c3e1aa175e5e0fc9c399ffd611.dyn">Change viewport types version.dyn (20.4 KB)
This is exactly what I wanted. I appreciate your help