Hello all, I am back for more need of your wizardry. Please forgive if I am missing something obvious but I cannot find anything on it. I have developed a graph which develops line loads. The issue I have is that in some locations there are multiple loads on top of each other. I have found a way to get all the points where I need them to merge. What I cannot find is a way to actual split the modeled line load. Can anyone tell me if this is even possible? Or if there is a way to select original and replace with new smaller segments? I have data lists to do either, i just can’t figure out how to split it or replace it. Again I apologize if I am missing something simple that you can direct me to.
can you share some screenshots ? and what you want exactly to approche…
hi you might get an idea on this topic
My apologies. I put question up prior to rushing out of office. My graph image is attached here. What i have is all the conditions where after i developed line loads there are multiple in the same location or overlapping. So what i am trying to do is replace the original line load in my REVIT file with the list from Geometry.Split.