Section several poly curves every 2 meters with dynamo

Muy buenas a todos
para el día de hoy se me presento la siguiente problemática , pues necesito modificar mi rutina dynamo para que me permita generar puntos cada 2 metros por un grupo de poly curvas que tienen un mismo layer , pues esto con el fin de generar puntos para la colocación de familias adaptativas con dicha medida.

El tema es que tengo con mi rutina ya reconocida las curvas , sin embargo necesito ver como podria enlazar mi GROUP.CURVE la cual contiene todas mis curvas presentes en el trabajo y un curve.join que por otro lado sigue el mecanismo para seccionar cada 2 metros dentro del largo de la curva.


Very good to everyone
For today I am presented with the following problem, because I need to modify my dynamo routine so that it allows me to generate points every 2 meters for a group of poly curves that have the same layer, because this is in order to generate points for placement of adaptive families with said measure.

The issue is that I have the curves already recognized with my routine, however I need to see how I could link my GROUP.CURVE which contains all my curves present in the work and a curve.join which on the other hand follows the mechanism to section every 2 meters inside the length of the curve.


Welcome to the community.

If the translator worked correctly, you are wanting to add points to a curve at a specified distance apart. This gives you the option for the starting point.


FYI @mathias.yanezc, the “official” language of the forums is English due to limitations of the host’s search functionality. For this reason we ask that all of your posts at least have a translated copy of your text. Feel free to use something like Google Translate if that’s the easiest solution for you.


Apologies in advance for the language, to be able to continue with the ideae raised and the progress that I have with it. I wanted to share the dynamo routine from which I am finally having problems with the last component of adaptive elements, within which when connecting a list with a 2-point sublist in its node does not allow me to project the for which I do not know the cause

What does the error say?

“Warning: AdaptiveComponent.ByPoints operation failed.
The arguments have issues”
so I think it may be because I have coordinates in 3 dimensions or on the other hand that the problem is at the beginning because my procedure was the following.

Well, the first thing I did was assign points within a polycurve of cad every 3 meters

Make sure you’re showing all the node previews so we have full context of what you’re doing. Also, was that the whole error or did it mention the specific issues? It feels like we’re missing some information here.