I have a question regarding to running my script which runs with no problem in my installed idle. However, I can’t run it inside dynamo, I tried python script from string node with no luck.
It is also worth mentioning, that my code has an imported library, which can’t be identified in dynamo, please see the attachement for more details. any ideas on how to run this script?
I still have the problem–please have a look at the picture below. any ideas on why i am having this now after changing the sys.path directory?
my question is how do I import these module library in ironPython Consolo ?
I run ironPython Consolo seprately and i coudn’t import the rectpack library there. But the library is already installed in my system as i run it smoothly from my IDLE?
Thanks, a lot for your comment, you guided me to the answer but I still couldn’t figure it out and here is why:
For example, I was willing to import pip, so what I did was I looked it up in cmd to see where it was installed or to find their path so I found two files with py extention. I copied them in C:\Program Files (x86)\IronPython 2.7\Lib. however still couldn’t import it, because I couldn’t find the name of the module that i was looking for inside the py.
I much appreciated if you can have a look at the module in the link below which contain a library i need called rectpack, do you have an idea how to get it imported in pythonscript node?
Many thanks, but i still have the same problem. I tried your steps twice and I failed to make the node work. The problem is rectpack is not identified in ironpython but it is identified in my idle.
So I approached it through following the your steps as : 1-First i went to located where rectpack mdules are installed and placed as you can see here:
Thank you @Schasfoortyoeri, I appreciate you taking the time to make it work. But as you said will wait and see if someone can provide us with the right solution?