So I am getting the following issues not necessarily in order:
8 null Room.Locations in a linked model… out of 175 Rooms Listed in the Room Schedule only 167 show Location point. Closkwork Room.State doesn’t pick up on Room.State as I’ve had it do in the past (directly in Arch model). In a Room Schedule I’ve included Area Column… for these 8 Rooms it shows Not Place. I suppose I could pickup on Area=0 to clearly indicate these are unplaced rooms to show the user how many rooms were processed in Dynamo Player. Thoughts?
Why can’t I eliminate the List 0 level using Flatten Node? I am looking at List.FirstItem node to solve this. Thoughts?
It does FINALLY look like List.Clean is eliminating the null items. But I am not certain how I got this. If just finally started working.
Also, with this Link Instance… is there a way I can select the LINK BY NAME in a list presented to the user. The Get Documents node has a Link Name output… but I’d like to have the user select from a list.