Rooms, automaticly by Level and slap height

I am looking for a way to project rooms when placing on top of the building component?
Does somebody has any idea?

Hi, I think people need a bit more information than this. Try posting screen shots of the model and script if you can.

Hi everbody,

thank for the tip, joe!

Ok, I’m looking for an general problem.
If I put the romms in Revit, allways the height from the rooms is like the level from the home view till the offset.
Sometimes the room aren’t the same height.
Now I’m surching for an option, to get the height by the slap or something??

the base was the room and the ofset ist the slap…

my hope was, i can’t find something in dynamo


I set the room height from level to the next level and let the roombounding objects (floor or ceiling) define the actual room height.

Maybe you can check if that works for you.


I will try…