Room Boundary Strange Extra Points

Hello Dynamo Heroes.
I am extracting the Rom boundaries but I cam across this issue where extra points (or line segments) are added to the room boundary. For a simple square room, even the joined curve shows (6) joined edges vs. the correct (4) edges.

How can I purge out the extra unneeded points [A and B]? Or how can I truly join the boundaries to produce (4) boundary lines instead of (6) boundary lines.

Boundary curves are based on boundary elements. The walls around the yellow room get broken up by the intersecting walls to be treated as separate boundary segments.

The first question is why do you need exactly 4 curves? What if the room has more than 4 edges? You can “simplify” these boundaries by comparing start/end points and directionality to group all segments that create a continuous edge. There should be a few threads that cover something like this.

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Hi @Nick_Boyts
I didn’t go beyond this point.
But basically I am trying to extract a clean boundary of the full length for each interior room boundary. Not as two segments. And the room may be more than 4 edges as you mentioned.

Is there away to merge/join the two lines boundary into one?
Thank you

First hit in a search should help out: Room.Boundaries - more curves than walls..? - #16 by Cezmi

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Thank you @jacob.small
This might do the trick - I’ll try it and confirm back.

Hi @zakim probably something here could work

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Hi All,
I can see the solution is simple by adding “Springs.CurveLoop.Simplify”.
So I tried it but it is not simplifying the curves.
See attached image.

yeah thats why i suggest poly curves simplify from sparrow…simple a ds solution if you open the node :wink: and many other ways i think

Did you try the polyCurve_simplify node which Sovitek showed?

Having a sample model to reproduce the issue would help as others have shown it works for them.

Hi @jacob.small
I do not find polyCurve_simplify node? Which package is it?
See attached my DYN file.

SampleSimplifyTest.dyn (8.2 KB)

Sparrow package if memory serves (well memory and Sovitek’s post).

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Thank you @jacob.small and @sovitek. The Sparrow package “polyCurve_simplify” has resolved the issue. I appreciate your time to help me.

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