Revit Material Collector

I’ve done a decent amount of digging and haven’t come up with anything on the topic… Is there a workflow to collect all the materials in the current document (Revit Project)? My end goal is to create a material list so the end user has the ability to select an available material from a list (which will then be assigned to many elements). I’m guessing at this point that the material selection from the list is ultimately going to get displayed with Spring Nodes Selection. I’m sure it’s possible with python code but at this point, Python is above my pay grade. I’m using dynamo 2.0 and Revit 2018.3. Thanks in advance

Hi @Frenga,

To collect all the materials in the current document, use Element Types and All Elements of Type nodes.
Use List.GetItemAtIndex to select a material in the list or create an user interface with Data-Shape package.


Thanks to both of you! Alban, I’m not sure why this works for you but not me. This got me to dig further though and the same process works for me if I use Categories instead of materials. I’m not sure that there will be any negative implications going with categories but I’ll try this route until I hit a wall. I appreciate the additional input on the data shapes package. I’ve had data shapes installed but never really dug into it and am going to do that now.