Replace a spot elevation with a label


I’m looking to replace a spotlight with a label

I can select the spot elevation and host, but can’t find the spot elevation coordinates to place a label in the same location.
*** French

Je cherche à remplacer une cote d’élévation par une étiquette

J’arrive à sélectionner les cotes d’élévation et l’hôte, mais pas à trouver les coordonnées de la cote d’élévation pour placer une étiquette au même endroit.

Change_Etiquette.dyn (22.8 KB)

Hello…probably something could help…

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Thank you for your reply.
the Tag node is not working (is not a tag), but I searched and found Dimensions.Origin.
Thanks for the lead :slight_smile:

Now I have an error with the Create Annotation Tag node

→ AttributeError : ‘Document’ object has no attribute ‘NewTag’

I have found the answer for the error.

You’re probably working with Revit 2019 and you need to use the Create Independent Tag node.
The Create Annotation Tag (Multi-Category) node is for Revit 2017 and previous versions.

I still have to control the position of the tag.
her on driving, and i would like to shift her

Script Completed

Hi @alain.hamel maybe add the passthrought node before the delete elms node.

Ok, thanks for the information, I don’t know the node :+1: