Ensure no bindings are slowing things down; more info on that here: Element Binding in Revit.
Ensure you’re only ‘going to the well once’ so to speak. Each time you send/receive data to/from Revit you take a speed hit; doubly so when your data set is larger than your memory can handle.
Reduce the number of items in memory by processing things more effectively; n items in 2 nodes has different impact on performance than 2*n items laced in on node.
Compact a few nodes into custom nodes or a single ‘in-line’ design script statement (reducing the data which has to be pushed into memory)
Utilize dictionaries instead of lists. This will require a good amount of rework via Design script, but can significantly decrease memory consumption as it’s one item of significant size instead of n items a small size which is easier for modern computers to work with.