Rename Multiple Groups

I’m trying to rename multiple groups at same time with excel sheet but i’m getting this error. is there any way to resolve this error?
PS: all model groups have only one instance


The warning from the node is telling you that you are feeding a String (Text) which is not correct. The parameter value needs to be a Type, but you are feeding the name of a Type…

You’ll need to generate a list of Types which aligns to the list of names…

There might be a node, get type by name? but I’m not sure…

Otherwise using a dictionary would be best? Get all the Types, make a dictionary where the Key is the name, then use your list of Names to pull them out in the correct sequence?

Hope that helps,



yeps would say the same as Mark…but try something "set name is from clockwork


hello sir,
I tried get type by name but it’s not working in my case.
also can you tell me how to feed correct values to the node. I’m still learning dynamo so don’t know how to do it. :sweat_smile:

Hello Sir,
I tried this node but it doesn’t return to the value i want.

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Hello you still need elementtype as i think your modelgroupby name give instance i guess (dont know that node) you can try something here probably with a flattern before element.set name…instead of list level as i do here…

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I tried flatten node but it doesn’t work here

You need “element.element.type” after your " modelgroup by name"

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could you upload a stripped rvt file with these groups and i will take a look…try to move the flattern node to after your "modelgroup by name

Rename Group.rvt (4.4 MB)
Rename Group.xlsx (7.9 KB)
Rename Groups.dyn (19.4 KB)

Hello try something works from my side on your dataset…

Rename Groups.dyn (18.1 KB)

Yes It works sir but it renames all Groups as one

Arrrhh sorry…here we go :wink:

Rename Groups.dyn (19.9 KB)


Thanks a lot sir!!! it works
you saved a lot of time of my works.

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You are welcome :wink:

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