Remove duplicate arc resulting from Offsetting and rotating arcs

Hi All,
Wanting execute the script related to my thread Offsetting and rotating arcs by overlapping, I noticed that I end up with one extra arc in each curves list
for example in the image below, in the first list I have a circle with a perimeter = 75.08 m, by rotating and overlaping the arc I should get (6 x 12 + 8.68) but I get (7 x 12 + 8.68)…I dont know where I was wrong??

here my script:

rotating arc
import sys
import clr
import math
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *
#Circle inputs
circle_curve = IN[0]
offset_distance = IN[1]
rebar_Diameter = IN[2]

overlap_length = 50 * rebar_Diameter / 1000
# Circle's center point
Center_point = circle_curve.CenterPoint
radius = circle_curve.Radius
circle = Circle.ByCenterPointRadius(Center_point, radius)
Start_pt1 = circle.StartPoint
End_pt1 = circle.PointAtSegmentLength(12)
arc = Arc.ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint(Center_point, Start_pt1, End_pt1)
Radius = Line.ByStartPointEndPoint(Start_pt1, Center_point)

# vector to offset circles inwards by offset_distance
offset_vector = Radius.Direction.Normalized()
Normal_vector = Vector.ByCoordinates(0, 0, 1)
lst = [circle]
lst1 = [arc]
#Offset circles inwards
k =0
d = 0
while k < 600:
    k +=1
    d += offset_distance
    circle_offset = circle.Offset(-d)
        Radius_offset = circle_offset.Radius
        circle_offset = circle_offset.Explode()[0] 
    Start_pt1 = circle_offset.StartPoint     
    End_pt1 = circle_offset.PointAtSegmentLength(12)
    if circle_offset.Length< 12:
    arc = Arc.ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint(Center_point, Start_pt1, End_pt1)
    # filling in arcs in lst1 
out = []    
for i in lst1:
    temp = []
    Start_Angle = i.StartAngle
    End_Angle = Start_Angle + i.SweepAngle
    k = 0 
    while k < 500:
        k += 1
        overlap_Angle = (overlap_length * 360) / (2 * math.pi * i.Radius)
        # compute remaining arc
        rest_Arc = Arc.ByCenterPointRadiusAngle(Center_point, i.Radius, End_Angle - overlap_Angle, Start_Angle + overlap_Angle, Normal_vector)
        if math.ceil(rest_Arc.Length) < 12:
            #temp = [c for c in temp if c.Length > overlap_length]
        #rotate arcs    
        i = i.Rotate(Center_point, Normal_vector, i.SweepAngle - overlap_Angle)
        #update End_Angle
        End_Angle = i.StartAngle + i.SweepAngle
OUT = out

Please check my attached dyn file and my Revit model below for more details

test_radier.dyn (20.0 KB)
test_radier.rvt (3.5 MB)



Please, can you take a look at my script and see what’s wrong? (I get the 1st arc duplicated twice in each sublist!!?)


@REDO10 ,

a ducktape would be the node rest of items - rest of items.



1 Like

Seem End_Angle is not updated at first iteration in while loop

I didn’t have time to look for the reason (maybe a problem with local variable).

you have to debug all your variables (rest value, arc direction, etc…)

a temporary fix waiting to find another solution

import sys
import clr
import math
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *

import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
#Circle inputs
circle_curve = IN[0]
offset_distance = IN[1]
rebar_Diameter = IN[2]

overlap_length = 50 * rebar_Diameter / 1000
# Circle's center point
Center_point = circle_curve.CenterPoint
radius = circle_curve.Radius
circle = Circle.ByCenterPointRadius(Center_point, radius)
Start_pt1 = circle.StartPoint
End_pt1 = circle.PointAtSegmentLength(12)
arc = Arc.ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint(Center_point, Start_pt1, End_pt1)
Radius = Line.ByStartPointEndPoint(Start_pt1, Center_point)

# vector to offset circles inwards by offset_distance
offset_vector = Radius.Direction.Normalized()
Normal_vector = Vector.ByCoordinates(0, 0, 1)
lst = [circle]
lst1 = [arc]
#Offset circles inwards
k =0
d = 0
while k < 600:
    k +=1
    d += offset_distance
    circle_offset = circle.Offset(-d)
        Radius_offset = circle_offset.Radius
        circle_offset = circle_offset.Explode()[0] 
    Start_pt1 = circle_offset.StartPoint     
    End_pt1 = circle_offset.PointAtSegmentLength(12)
    if circle_offset.Length< 12:
    arc = Arc.ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint(Center_point, Start_pt1, End_pt1)
    # filling in arcs in lst1 
out = []    
for idx, i in enumerate(lst1):
    print("##### Start a new Arc processing at {} #####".format(idx))
    temp = []
    sweep_angle = i.SweepAngle
    Start_Angle = i.StartAngle
    End_Angle = Start_Angle + sweep_angle
    k = 0 
    while k < 500:
        k += 1
        overlap_Angle = (overlap_length * 360) / (2 * math.pi * i.Radius)
        # compute remaining arc
        rest_Arc = Arc.ByCenterPointRadiusAngle(Center_point, i.Radius, End_Angle - overlap_Angle, Start_Angle + overlap_Angle, Normal_vector)
        print('rest_Arc.Length', rest_Arc.Length)
        if math.ceil(rest_Arc.Length) <= 12:
            if k == 1:
                temp[-1] = rest_Arc
            #temp = [c for c in temp if c.Length > overlap_length]
        #rotate arcs    
        i = i.Rotate(Center_point, Normal_vector, sweep_angle - overlap_Angle )
        #update End_Angle
        End_Angle = i.StartAngle + sweep_angle
OUT = out


It’s a quick solution that’s surely avoid me loosing time and save me a lot of thought.


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Ok… I’ll try your code and debug all my variables and see how it goes


To get rid of duplicated geometries you can use the node called PruneDuplicates

Here’s the doc: Dynamo Dictionary


your code works and the arcs count is correct, but when debugging “rest_Arc” I get the 1st one duplicated…that’s mean I’ve problem with the arc start point? (see the image below)


Because the End_Angle is not updated at first iteration in while loop
I did not look for the cause as mentioned in my previous message

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I tried to find the reason why the variable End_Angle is not updated at first iteration but I couldn’t find the solution
I accpet @c.poupin’s solution at the moment as a tomporary solution.