Offsetting and rotating arcs by overlapping

Hi everyone,
I’m trying throw the script below to offset my circles inwards and create arcs which can be rotated and overllaped till the remaining length in each circle becomes < 12m ( in fact my post is the same here Centerline tangentiel reinforcement but I want to make some changes)
My circles and arcs are created and offseted correctly , but some thing is wrong in my script and I can’t fill in my list like this:

My script:

import sys
import clr
import math
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *
#Circle inputs
circle = IN[0]
offset_distance = IN[1]
overlap_length = 1
# Circle's center point
Center_point = circle.CenterPoint
Start_pt1 = circle.StartPoint
End_pt1 = circle.PointAtSegmentLength(12)
arc = Arc.ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint(Center_point, Start_pt1, End_pt1)
Radius = Line.ByStartPointEndPoint(Start_pt1, Center_point)

# vector to offset circles inwards by offset_distance
offset_vector = Radius.Direction.Normalized()
Normal_vector = Vector.ByCoordinates(0, 0, 1)
lst = [circle]
lst1 = [arc]
#Offset circles inwards
k =0
d = 0
while k < 600:
    k +=1
    d += offset_distance
    circle_offset = circle.Offset(-d)
        Radius_offset = circle_offset.Radius
        circle_offset = circle_offset.Explode()[0] 
    Start_pt1 = circle_offset.StartPoint     
    End_pt1 = circle_offset.PointAtSegmentLength(12)
    if circle_offset.Length< 12:
    arc = Arc.ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint(Center_point, Start_pt1, End_pt1)
    # filling in arcs in lst1 
out = []    
for i in lst1:
    temp = []
    Start_Angle = i.StartAngle
    End_Angle = Start_Angle + i.SweepAngle
    k = 0 
    while k < 500:
        k += 1
        overlap_Angle = (overlap_length * 360) / (2 * math.pi * i.Radius)
        # compute remaining arc
        rest_Arc = Arc.ByCenterPointRadiusAngle(Center_point, i.Radius, End_Angle - overlap_Angle, Start_Angle + overlap_Angle, Normal_vector)
        if math.ceil(rest_Arc.Length) < 12:
        #rotate arcs    
        i = i.Rotate(Center_point, Normal_vector, i.SweepAngle - overlap_Angle)
        #update End_Angle
        End_Angle = Start_Angle + i.SweepAngle
OUT = out

my file dynamo:
circle_rebar.dyn (10.2 KB)


No one can help me?

Can you draw in revit start and result with model lines and post it here?


I’ve attached my dynamo file above…I’ve not yet drew my model in revit ( it’s a circular slab and my goal is to obtain my tangantial rebars )


replace this

        #update End_Angle
        End_Angle = Start_Angle + i.SweepAngle

by this

        #update End_Angle
        End_Angle = i.StartAngle + i.SweepAngle


Oh my bad!! :grimacing: I didn’t pay attention…I was so focused on other parameters that I didn’t see this one
Can you show me how to use print() inside script to debug it and manage eventual errors?


here an example

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