Error in being able to bring solids into Revit, can it be brought in as a family?
Solid.dwg (5.0 MB)
RememberNode_01.dyn (6.6 MB)
Error in being able to bring solids into Revit, can it be brought in as a family?
Solid.dwg (5.0 MB)
RememberNode_01.dyn (6.6 MB)
Are you in a family environment or a project environment?
project environment
Does the out of the box FamilyType.ByGeometry work?
What is the error message? Go to “Extensions” and open “Graph Node Manager” and you can copy the text.
this is the error message
As the error states, you’re not providing a valid family template. You’re pointing to an .rfa instead of an .rtf.
still not working
You need to save the graph in Dyanmo for Civil 3D, then open it in Dynamo for Revit.
that’s what I have done save the file and reopen it, I don’t know if you could use the files I put to see if everything works fine or maybe something is wrong.
Sorry - didn’t see you open the graph in the video.
The families are being made, but you aren’t creating instances of them. Create a family instance from each type using the min point of the associated geometry and see if that works for you.
How can I do that?
Geometry.BoundingBox and BouningBox.MinPoint from the source geometry for the FamilyType.ByGeometry node. Then FamilyInstance.ByPoint with the new family types and the min points.