I created a code to verificate technical issues of steel connections. We used dynamo to capture information of the beams and columns. Then, we created the connection in dynamo and all the verification. We want to use refinery to get different options; however, refinery does not show the output result, even the outputs were calculated in dynamo. We used the randomize option. This Figure shows that only present the input data.
We are using Revit 2022 and dynamo 2.10
Regards and help
Here you are another figure with output calculated by dynamo
Does the graph execute correctly in Dynamo Sandbox 2.10? It may require posting the graph file here for review.
I will try to run it in Dynamo Sandbox, but I have never used it.
I send you the revit file and the dynamo code.
Processing: Dynamo tesis - Con slider y geometría.dyn…
Processing: Diseño de conexión placa extrema - 2022.rvt…
Here you can download the file in Google Drive
Looked this over a bit tonight. There are a few issues at play, but I can’t get all the way into them as your graph is too disorganized to resolve the logic.
Some insight I could gather in my initial review:
- Instead of using dozens of ‘get parameter value by name’ nodes, utilize a single one with correct lacing.
- You need to ensure your data is passing a single ‘null’ when in a sandbox environment. The list is breaking the function of the remember node, as a list of ‘null’ values is not the same as a single null (which the remember node is designed to work with).
- Reduce the number of remember nodes on canvas - the remember nodes are most effective when placed RIGHT BEFORE the part of the graph which changes by the outcome. Any time a remember node could happen later in the graph it means you are remembering too early.
- Try not to duplicate nodes - there are a few areas where you have a copy of a node connected directly to the same output of the prior node. Bringing stuff into an ordered linear structure will help.
- Pass the data into a remember node as a single ordered dictionary. Conveniently this will address #2 quite well.
- Anything you want to work with long term will require serialization in a Remember node; Currently a lot of your most important geometry (the column and beam) is directly from an Element.Geometry node.
- Avoid renaming nodes other than Watch nodes and input nodes (ie: sliders).
- Try to keep the flow of the graph into a ‘linear’ sequence. The sheer number of wires moving from early in the graph to late in the graph which cross over a BUNCH of other nodes is making it VERY hard to troubleshoot sections of the graph.
Address as many of these as you can, and if the graph still doesn’t work post it back here and I’ll have another look.