RayBounce to get wall surfaces

This is probably an easy one to solve but I’m trying to use the RayBounce node to pick up the surfaces bounding the room. At the Moment I can only get the floors. What am I doing wrong here?

Hi, I think its weird that you get any results at all, as you’re not specifying a vector. Could it be an idea to use Element.Geometry on the room object itself and extract the surfaces thereof?

Thanks for the quick reply.
I thought of doing this before but I’m not sure how to get the material properties of the surfaces - if that is possible. I’m pretty green with Dynamo, sorry if I ask stupid questions.

Check this - MaterialElementId from GetRegion from Face from GetBoundingElementFace

Thanks Petar.
I tried the python script but got an error on line 42 saying Name ‘normalZ’ is not defined. Looks like that whole example was way above what I know. Unfortunately, this may have to go into the too hard basket…