RayBounce.ByOriginDirection - missing node

Hello to everyone,

I am a new user of Dynamo. I have a issue with the node RayBounce.ByOriginDirection. I cant find it. Even following the path showed in Dynamo Dictionary I dont have Revit-References. Could you help me? Is there something to activate? I am student-user of Revit2022 and Dynamo 2.10 (updated).

Thanks in advance for any help!

Hi, no one knows why I can’t see the node RayBounce.ByOriginDirection in my Dynamo?

Hi @marco.fabriziJGCD4 and welcome, it seems that node is missing from the Library alongside the Category References, but if you right-click in the Viewport and type its name, it will show, @jacob.small I do not know if this is addressed in the newer build of Dynamo:

What build was this in @Elie.Trad?

@jacob.small from my side it’s for Dynamo Revit and for Dynamo Core

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Good investigating @Elie.Trad! It appears in the past we missed adding this to the LayoutSpec which would enable it to be shown up in the Library. Will file a task for this one :slight_smile:

It’s very much a working node, and searchable via the in-canvas search, so please do keep using it if you want to @marco.fabriziJGCD4

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I just read now. Thank you all for the help!

My Dynamo Revit is


Thanks Marco for asking the question - I am also new to Dynamo, also using, and also looking for raybounce! (unsuccessfully until now)

Datashapes and bimorph have nodes for that and will work on link as well

The Node is still missing in the browser in Dynamo v.2.16.1. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Which Revit build are you using that has a Dynamo 2.16 build?

Just O.O.T.B. 2023.1

It used to be here.
Perhaps it got ‘lost’ while rearranging nodes

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Hello @T_V_werk - This has been fixed for the Revit 2024 release due out in the not-to-distant future :slight_smile: Sorry for the delay on this one.