Python2 to 3

here is a script that allows you to make walls and slabs dissociated from a main grid // at X and Y.
Murs et dalles automatisés sur quadrillage_V2.dyn (240.8 KB)

I think you can try to take inspiration from it and/or improve it depending on your case which I think looks like this more or less according to the information read on your code block.

(Don’t put it in automatic mode otherwise you will have an infinite loop with the floors)

I strongly advise you to read this pdf document by Mr. Sol Amour [link ] :+1:(How does lacing work in Design Script? - #11 by solamour)

It’s clean and precise, I’m making a lot of progress with this one.
Good reading and implementation.

Note: Normally, when a subject is solved, you must open another subject (unless it has already been treated) to avoid having the bin’s if a member does a targeted search for his problem, for information :wink:
