Python - Working with arrays

Hi Guys,

I’ve very recently picked up python. I’m trying to create a python code that tells me to distance from a curve to a point.

I think I have done this so far, however it only does it for each index. Forr Example:
0 to 0
1 to 1
2 to 2
When I need to it to tell me the distance for every curve to every start point. For example:
0 to 0
0 to 1
0 to 2
1 to 0
1 to 1
1 to 2

If this was a node I could just change the lacing, however as I’m doing in python it’s not that simple to me.

Python Text Link

The node set-up

Code snip it with output

Thanks for help

Perfect, thanks for the help! Nah, working on a script at work. No relation I’m afraid :slight_smile:

im not doing learning by my self. im discovering dynamo