Python script error? Reading from CAD

Seeing as you are having a hard time figuring out the python script, you can also try the Pipe.ByLine node from the MEPover package:

The element.Id?

Thanks know there are quite few packages out there. Will try it as last resort

The node worked ok when I tested with some arbitrary points. One thing that is an issue is that you are using all the 2D geometry when you really want to be using a centreline. Also you need to filter out where the lines are too small as this will cause errors and won’t be able to create the pipe.

I would also “zip” the lists for the points in the For loop.

For pt1, pt2 in zip(FirstPoints, SecondPoints):
       #do some work

But you’re getting there. :slightly_smiling_face:

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No, the variable SecondPoint is written secondPoint.

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Thanks mate really appreciate it

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