I am trying to do this in python of Dynamo node:
If sublist item at index 5 starts with “word”, then remove item at index 4 of the same sublist
If sublist item at index 8 starts with “word”, then remove item at index 7 of the same sublist
If sublist item at index 10 starts with “word”, then remove item at index 9 of the same sublist
input list: [1,2,3,4,5,“word4”,3,2,“word1”,1,“word21”],[1,2,3,4,5,“word4”,3,2,“word1”,1,“word21”]
output desired=[1,2,3,4,“word4”,3,“word1”,“word21”],[1,2,3,4,“word4”,3,“word1”,“word21”]
I tried this but it does not work