Python and List issue

Unfortunately, i am not a python User yet, I know it is a basic question for sure

I have a list of 3 area plan views and a list of 3 view filters trying to apply each view filter to the corresponding view using a python script posted here in the forum,

the issue is the python nodes works ok, but it applies all the 3 filters to every single view of them

please help with the modification need to make it works correctly

Can you upload the code using the </> sign, this makes helping you much easier :slight_smile:

You could simply add a counter

P = 0

P = P+1

Hope this makes sense, otherwise I’ll update when I’m at a computer

Thank you Jonathan for your reply, below is the code i used, as i mentioned i am not using python yet unfortunately if you can edit it for me that would be great help

import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *

import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager

import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument

import Revit

views = IN[0]
if not isinstance(views,list):
views = [views]
filters = IN[1]
if not isinstance(filters,list):
filters = [filters]

def addFilter(views,filterid):
for view in views:
view = UnwrapElement(view)


for filter in filters:
filter = UnwrapElement(filter).Id


OUT = views,filters

below is a link to the post i got the code from

import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *

import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager

import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument

import Revit

views = IN[0]
if not isinstance(views,list):
	views = [views]
filters = IN[1]
if not isinstance(filters,list):
	filters = [filters]

def addFilter(views,filterid):
	for view in views:
		view = UnwrapElement(view)
p = 0
for filter in filters:
	filter = UnwrapElement(filter).Id
	p = p + 1

OUT = views,filters

Thank you Jonathan but it is not working,

I see the problem, the beauty of copy paste when the </> is not used for formatting, give me 30 sec and the code will be updated.

Thanks a lot, appreciated

Please let me know if the code is working for you as desired :slight_smile:

And if one of the posts solved your problem mark it as the solution so we can keep the forum tidy, and maybe leave a like here and there. :slight_smile:

am really sorry, but i still get the same error “unexpected token” : (

No reason to be sorry :slight_smile:
Make sure that all ´ ` etc is set to either " or ’ this is what is causing the error.

Can see that I missed one, I’ve once again updated the post with the code in it :slight_smile:

unexpected token is solved, but i am getting another error as below

The formatting got the best of us once more, I went to the original post you refer to and copied the formatted text from there and made the small changes.
I’ve updated

feeling so bad for bothering you that much…

Have no file to test on, so you might try this:

import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager
import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
import Revit

views = IN[0]
if not isinstance(views,list):
	views = [views]
filters = IN[1]
if not isinstance(filters,list):
	filters = [filters]
p = 0
for filter in filters:
	filter = UnwrapElement(filter).Id
	view  = UnwrapElement(views[p])
	p = p + 1
OUT = views,filters

It is working noww…many thanks Jonathan :slight_smile:

Can anyone help me to get this pythonscript work for lists instead of instance ?

Thank you.

import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *

surf = IN[0] #surface to divide in rectangles
polyg = IN[1] #polygon created from the surface
Xs = IN[2] #Unique and sorted X coordinates
Ys = IN[3] #Unique and sorted Y coordinates
Zs = IN[4] #Unique and sorted Zs coordinates

class Rect :
	#Class : rectangles that compose the surface
	def __init__(self, u_min, u_max, v_min, v_max, w, direction):
		#Constructor : u_min,u_max,v_min and v_max are the extreme coordinates on both directions, w is the coordinate in the third direction (all extreme points share this coordinate), direction is the plane that contains the Rect
		self.direction = direction; #defines the direction of the Rect
		self.w = w; #defines the third coordinate of the Rect
		self.u_min = u_min;
		self.u_max = u_max;
		self.v_min = v_min;
		self.v_max = v_max;
		#Definition of the 4 points that define the Rect, plus the center of the Rect (pt0)
			self.pt1 = Point.ByCoordinates(w,u_min,v_min);
			self.pt2 = Point.ByCoordinates(w,u_min,v_max);
			self.pt3 = Point.ByCoordinates(w,u_max,v_max);
			self.pt4 = Point.ByCoordinates(w,u_max,v_min);
			self.pt0 = Point.ByCoordinates(w,0.5*u_min+0.5*u_max,0.5*v_min+0.5*v_max);
		elif(direction == "Y"):
			self.pt1 = Point.ByCoordinates(u_min,w,v_min);
			self.pt2 = Point.ByCoordinates(u_min,w,v_max);
			self.pt3 = Point.ByCoordinates(u_max,w,v_max);
			self.pt4 = Point.ByCoordinates(u_max,w,v_min);
			self.pt0 = Point.ByCoordinates(0.5*u_min+0.5*u_max,w,0.5*v_min+0.5*v_max);
			self.pt1 = Point.ByCoordinates(u_min,v_min,w);
			self.pt2 = Point.ByCoordinates(u_min,v_max,w);
			self.pt3 = Point.ByCoordinates(u_max,v_max,w);
			self.pt4 = Point.ByCoordinates(u_max,v_min,w);
			self.pt0 = Point.ByCoordinates(0.5*u_min+0.5*u_max,0.5*v_min+0.5*v_max,w);
	def contenu(self, polyg):
		#Determines if the Rect is contained by a polygon
		return Polygon.ContainmentTest(polyg,self.pt0)
	def fusionnable(self,autre_rect):
		#Determines if two Rect can be merged, i.e. if they share exactly a side
		bool1 = (self.u_max == autre_rect.u_min or self.u_min == autre_rect.u_max) and (self.v_min == autre_rect.v_min and self.v_max == autre_rect.v_max)
		bool2 = (self.v_max == autre_rect.v_min or self.v_min == autre_rect.v_max) and (self.u_min == autre_rect.u_min and self.u_max == autre_rect.u_max)
		return (bool1 or bool2);
	def fusion(self, autre_rect):
		#Returns a new Rect that is the fusion of two mergeable Rect
		u_m = min(self.u_min,autre_rect.u_min);
		u_M = max(self.u_max,autre_rect.u_max);
		v_m = min(self.v_min,autre_rect.v_min);
		v_M = max(self.v_max,autre_rect.v_max);
		return Rect(u_m,u_M,v_m,v_M,self.w,self.direction);

#Determination of the direction of the initial surface, then compute the extreme coordinates of the axis (the chosen axis depends on the direction)
	direction = "X";
	u_min = min(Ys);
	u_max = max(Ys);
	v_min = min(Zs);
	v_max = max(Zs);
	w = Xs[0];
	u_range = Ys;
	v_range = Zs;
	direction = "Y";
	u_min = min(Xs);
	u_max = max(Xs);
	v_min = min(Zs);
	v_max = max(Zs);
	w = Ys[0];
	u_range = Xs;
	v_range = Zs;
	direction = "Z";
	u_min = min(Xs);
	u_max = max(Xs);
	v_min = min(Ys);
	v_max = max(Ys);
	w = Zs[0];
	u_range = Xs;
	v_range = Ys;	

#Creation of the initial rectangles.
liste_rect = [];

for i in range(len(u_range)-1):
	for j in range(len(v_range)-1):
		new_rect = Rect(u_range[i],u_range[i+1],v_range[j],v_range[j+1],w,direction); #creation of a Rect that might be contained in the surface
		if(new_rect.contenu(polyg)): #if it is indeed inside the surface
			liste_rect.append(new_rect); #we add it to the list
#Fusion of all the Rect

i = 0 #index of the Rect we are currently looking at

while(True): #Nota : please don't mess with the break statements...
	#Break condition : we stop if we looked to all the Rect in the list (i.e. currently looking to the last Rect)
	if(i == len(liste_rect)):
	rect_courant = liste_rect[i]; #Current Rect
	indice = -1; #Initialization of index of a potential Rect to merge with current Rect
	#Try to find a Rect to merge with the current rect
	for j in range(i+1,len(liste_rect)): #for each Rect in the list that is not the current rect
		if(rect_courant.fusionnable(liste_rect[j])): #if the two Rect are mergeable, we keep the index and we get out of this for loop
			indice = j;
	#If we did not find anything, we go to the next Rect
		i = i+1;
	#If we did find something, we merge the two Rect and we delete the two old Rect from the list
	liste_rect[i] = rect_courant.fusion(liste_rect[j]);
	#And we go back to the very first Rect (we might have created a Rect that is mergeable)
	i = 0;

#Initialisation of the output (list of all the sub-surfaces
resultat = []
for i in range(len(liste_rect)):
	resultat.append(Surface.ByPatch(PolyCurve.ByPoints([liste_rect[i].pt1,liste_rect[i].pt2,liste_rect[i].pt3,liste_rect[i].pt4], True)))

OUT = resultat