Push Linked Room names to Elements

I’m trying to gather the Rooms from my linked model and push the Room name to the furniture in those rooms. I’ve gotten almost all the way but can’t figure out middle step to get a list of the Furniture with the room.

Any help would be appreciated.


You need to filter the furniture elements based on their respective intersections (FilterByBoolMask). Those then get supplied to the SetParameter node and the Rooms list gets sent to the GetParameter node.

Thanks Nick. I feel like I’ve got this in the wrong place now (obviously).

I also think I may have my GetParameter node and my SetParameter node fed by the wrong info.

Can you repost with a legible image? That one is zoomed out too far to read the node names.

Appreciate it @Nick_Boyts
Try this one.

We still need to see the node previews otherwise we don’t actually know how the nodes are handling your data.

Is this what you mean?

Hi @JustinSBlack here is an alternative way, but could probably work…

Thanks @sovitek.
Where can I get the Link Documents node?